Legal Questions and Answers
What is the Liability for Child Support After Minority in New York?
Divorce decree states stop paying for college child support etc when child turns 21. No age stated in divorce papers or any stipulation only states emancipated. Still in college, senior at age 21 does paying for college stop now.
09/01/2009 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: New York | #18373Can I Stop the City from Allowing A Commerical Use to Block My Easement?
draper let a commercial business set up without notice or consern to neibors,and now it has blocked off the private right of way to our property,my inlaws sued but in mediation purchased 5 feet of the lane and never relinkwished the familys legal right they've had for over 75 years. can I lien this right of way and sue, and how long do I have? the city even had to aprove the sa...
09/01/2009 | Category: Zoning | State: Utah | #18372How Do I Get Rid of Tenant's Abandoned Property in New Mexico?
As a landlord, in NM, what must I do legally to dispose of abandoned vehicle.
09/01/2009 | Category: Abandoned Property | State: New Mexico | #18363How Do I Transfer a Deed From Myself and My Child to My Child Only?
I am looking for a form I believe its called joint tenant. We need one for my single daughter. My daughter lives here in my home. I am a widow and wish to leave our home to her. We still have a mortgage. Our home is in her name, but I was wondering if we need to do a joint tenant form for her. Could you please let us know what form to order? Thank you very much.
08/31/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: California | #18361Is the Landlord Liable for Property Left Behind After a Tenant Defaults on Lease?
In North Carolina , a tenant who promises to pay back rent with a settlement from an unknown source , finally abandones a property ,moves his person and other tenants to another location and does not remove property for a period of more than 30 days is entitled to what ? Back rent excessive (more than $10,000 and house unfit to live in)
08/31/2009 | Category: Abandoned Property | State: North Carolina | #18360Is the Landlord Responsible for Criminal Activity of a Tenant?
Is there any way to hold a landlord responsible for his tenants actions? Are they required to rent to people who will not disrupt the neighborhood with gang activity, theft ect? The landlord continues to ignore all the police reports and lets them live there. Can we hold the landlord responsible for our damages caused by theft from home by his tenant
08/31/2009 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Iowa | #18359How Long May a Civil Judgment Be Enforced in Pennsylvania?
How long is a judgement/civil case valid?
08/31/2009 | Category: Judgments | State: Pennsylvania | #18358Does Social Security recognize a court degree that I am the spouse of someone?
I have a court order stating it is ordered & decreed that I am the spouse of someone, does the social security recognize this document and notarized copies presented before the judge? I was in probate for 2 yrs. and the judge ruled the I was his spouse. Now ssa does not want to recognize anything.
08/31/2009 | Category: Marriage | State: Texas | #18356How Can I Cancel a Travel Club Contract in Florida?
My wife and I recently were sent a mailer for a presentation about travel .We decided to wait till we could check the travel club out .They said that would be all right till the next day. I was not able to attend when the sales person told my wife she would have to sign up today. She went and signed and I made her go with me to cancel the next day. When I cancelled she said my ...
08/31/2009 | Category: Contracts » Recission | State: Florida | #18354How Many Chairman Emeritus Can a Company Have?
How many Chairman Emeritus can a US company give that title too?
08/31/2009 | Category: Corporations | State: Illinois | #18346