Legal Questions and Answers
Power of attorney for real estate transaction
My fiancee' is working over in Iraq and he wants me to purchase a home for us in Washington. He has appointed me as his power of attorney. Can i purchase a home in his name, without him being present?
08/30/2009 | Category: Power of Att... » Real Estate | State: Oregon | #18320Is a CPA Liable for Not Telling of Tax Implications?
A CPA resposible for a client's financial reporting fails to advise the client of the tax implications of a foreign sourced mortgage as related to withholding taxes and thin rules of capitalization. The taxing authority conducts an audit, finds deliquencies over several years, demands payment in full for several years taxes and assesses interest charges and penalties to the c...
08/30/2009 | Category: Taxes | State: North Carolina | #18319What Property of the Estate Can a Medical Facility Attach?
2 years ago my mother signed a transfer of deed for her property to me and gave me instructions on how to divide at her time of death she has had 2 strokes from July and August and now is incapable of making decisions but i have just learned from a sibling that she had the deed revoked to go back to the heirs of estate with no instruction on how to divide and the main question ...
08/30/2009 | Category: Medicaid | State: California | #18317Can I Move the Children to Another State While the Divorce is Pending?
I am leaving my husband and I am afraid he will accuse me of kidnapping our two small children. How do I protect us?
08/29/2009 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Florida | #18314Can I Resind a Timeshare Contract in Florida?
My husband and I got involvet in a time share in june1/2009, we already pay our down payment, but now we are very sorry because the misspresentacion about what you buy, can you please tell me if we can hired a lawyer to cancel the contract?
08/29/2009 | Category: Contracts » Recission | State: Florida | #18313Can the US Prosecute for a Crime in Another Country?
Can a US citizen be procecuted in the us for a crime commited in another country?
08/29/2009 | Category: Criminal » Extradition | State: Georgia | #18311Is there interest on a security deposit?
I live in Tennessee. Has my security deposit of $485.00 dollars acquired interest since I have been living in the apartment for over 10 years?
08/29/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Security Dep... | State: Tennessee | #18310What Are The Penalties in Virginia for Computer Hacking?
If an individual is convicted of spying by computer, what is the likely punishment for first offense?
08/28/2009 | Category: Internet » Hacking | State: Virginia | #18308What Form Does a Doctor Use to State Incapacity of A Person?
My mother has Alzhiemers and was unable to have contaract surgery due to her inability to remember what she was to have done. She does have a durable POA w/ healthcare provisions prepared by a lawyer and signed by my mother. In that document it requires a her primary physician to write an affidavit that she has been personally been examined and that she is unable to manage her ...
08/28/2009 | Category: Power of Att... » Advanced Hea... | State: Florida | #18307How Do I Relinquish Parental Rights in Texas?
I have two sons that are 4 and 5 years old. I was never married to their Dad. I lived with him until the youngest was 6 months old. We split up. He refused to pay any child support. He has not paid me anything since I moved out. He also has never seen the boys. We did not know where he has been for years. I had no way to contact him. He has been ordered through the Attorney gen...
08/28/2009 | Category: Paternity » Termination ... | State: Texas | #18304