Legal Questions and Answers
Collecting a small claims judgment
I won a judgment in small claim court in California against a corporation. How can I collect my money?
08/31/2009 | Category: Small Claims | State: California | #18345How DoI Prepare a Will in Florida?
My Uncle recently ask that I be the executor of his estate which includes property and various retirement accounts 9he lives in Tampa). It also includes items in a deposit box. What form should I use to prepare this? Also, will the information provided from US Legal Forms instruct me on what to do after the form(s) are complete? Will getting this completed require a visit to a ...
08/31/2009 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Florida | #18344How Much Do I Have to Pay for Child Support in New York?
I have two kids with my wife and one kid outside of my marriage, my question is what percentage am I obligated to give to the one kid?
08/31/2009 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: New York | #18343How Do I Collect Estate Property with an Affidavit in Virgina?
My husband died April 2009, without a will. He had 16,000 dollars in an Charles Swab investment account. My name was not on the account. We were married for 29 years and I was beneficary to his retirement accounts and life insurance accounts. How can I receive the money valued at 16,000 from Charles Schwab. THey say I need a death certificate, affidavit of Domicile, letter ...
08/31/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Small Estates | State: Virginia | #18342How Do I Get a Lien Released in Ohio?
My plumber filed a mechanics lien on my single family home almost 90 days after the last labor was performed or materials were used. How do i challenge the validity of the lien? No contract was ever signed for the work and no change orders were ever presented/signed. The legal question is regarding a house in Wilmington, Ohio, Clinton County.
08/31/2009 | Category: Contractors » Construction... | State: Michigan | #18341What are the Laws in Wisconsin on Hunting Dogs on Private Property?
08/31/2009 | Category: Animals | State: Wisconsin | #18340Must you disclose that a suicide happened in a home
if some one comits suicide in a house you are selling do you have to disclose this by law.
08/31/2009 | Category: Real Property » Residential ... | State: New York | #18339Grant of usufruct or life estate
After I die and if this cousin survives me, I want to give her, an elderly cousin of mine, useful rights to use a mobile home I own and land it's on in the event of my death. After this person dies my property goes to my daughters who are my only children and my legal heirs. What legal steps are needed as to how I go about this?
08/31/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Louisiana | #18338How Do I Remove a Record of Filing for an Injunction From the Court Docket in Florida?
I had an adjudication withheld in 1999 paid fines which gave me early probation terminated, which is a good thing. Will this stop me on a background check for a job?
08/31/2009 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Florida | #18337How is an Heir Affected by a Life Lease on Property Inherited?
00000000000 My brother is considering giving one of his tenants a lifetime lease that will allow the tenant to live rent free after a certain total amount of rent has been paid. He is also planning on including the tenant's boyfriend on the lease. The boyfriend is 30 years younger then the tenant. How will this affect me as heir to the property? There are three other apartm...
08/31/2009 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Florida | #18336