Legal Questions and Answers
Can I ask to review the evidence in my speeding ticket case?
I am representing myself for a speeding ticket and would like to request evidence such as any media documenting the event such as video (analog or digital) that shows the vehicle and speed. Also, radar calibration, officer training on radar and equipment used to document the event and date of officer last vision test prior to issuing the ticket. So my question: 1. Wha...
05/04/2009 | Category: Criminal | State: ALL | #16533What if I am appointed consevator but can not fullfill the duties?
How do we reverse an incorrect adult petition? I filled an adult petetion without the facts. I asked for a consevator on the petition by misake. The ward already had her finances handled by family members, including her husband. The court assigned my aunt a consevator, when the family had POA, that was not brought up in court. This consevator is a mess. My aunt cannot affo...
05/04/2009 | Category: Guardianship | State: Georgia | #16531Can I put a lien on a camper that I am oweed storage for?
I own a campground and a customer refuses to pay the storage bill (a year of storage is at stake). The couple is now getting a divorce, one has gone to prison and the other refuses to pay, but wants the camper. Could I file a mechanic's lien?
05/04/2009 | Category: Judgment Liens | State: Ohio | #16530If I paid back taxes on a property how do I obtain the property?
I paid the back taxes on a house; is it mine? Can I evict a person after giving a 30 day notice?
05/04/2009 | Category: Real Property » Adverse Poss... | State: Virginia | #16528Is there such thing as theft by deception and can you file a lawsuit for it?
My significant other and I have created and operated a successful restaurant for the past two years. Originally a friend volunteered to secure the line of credit to get it up and running and was the one who filed for the LLC which the restaurant operates under. He has now forced closure of the restaurant and wants us to buy the restaurant from him stating that he was the owner...
05/03/2009 | Category: LLC | State: South Dakota | #16526What type of attorney would I need to start an online email business?
I have idea for new email service on-line. I need lawyer to represent me from day one to protect all concerned. Idea is a winner!
05/03/2009 | Category: Courts » Attorneys | State: Nevada | #16525What is the legal definition of next of kin?
The definition of next of kin and the legal law in State of Georgia, but couple was married in Florida and wife died in Georgia during seperation.
05/03/2009 | Category: Courts » Legal Defini... | State: Florida | #16524Does my husband have the right to keep me from seeing my children?
I have left my husband and am living in another city because of the nature of the pending divorce. I go home two to three times per week and take the children shopping, make pizzas, to the book store and just in general, have fun with them. I do not live at home and will not. Legal custody has not yet been determined. My husband states that he will no longer let me see or t...
05/03/2009 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Wisconsin | #16523Is my mother's Power of Attorney and Will valid if she moved to another state?
Our Mother has just moved back to Michigan from Flordia. She had a will and power of attorney filed in Flordia. Are these good in Michigan, or will she have to have them redone or amended.
05/03/2009 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Michigan | #16522Can the gas station owner tow my son's vehicle for leaving it in the lot for 2 weeks?
My son left my vehicle in Idaho Falls, Idaho at a gas station. The station had the vehicle towed. I was never notified that the vehicle was abandoned and I had to pay 2 weeks of storage fees. Can I dispute those charges because I was not notified that the vehicle was abandoned?
05/02/2009 | Category: Abandoned Property | State: Idaho | #16521