Legal Questions and Answers
Am I still responsible for paying child support for my 20 year old daughter?
I live in Colorado and my divorce was granted in Colorado. Both my ex-wife and estranged 20 year old daughter also live in Colorado. The divorce order requires that I pay for medical coerage for minor children and that I am responsible for a percentage of uncovered expenses. Do I still have an obligation to pay for my 20 year old estranged Daughter's uncovered expenses?
05/01/2009 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Colorado | #16507What is the title of the correct legal document of an invalid car lien before the court?
What is the title of the correct legal document to use for dismissal of an invalid car lien before the court?
04/30/2009 | Category: Civil Actions » Liens | State: Montana | #16504If I am contemplating bankruptcy and may be receiving an inheritance, can I disclaim the inheritance?
If I am contemplating bankruptcy and may be receiving an inheritance, can I disclaim the inheritance after the person dies, but before the will is filed in probate. This would be before I filed for bankruptcy. Is there a time limit between the time I disclaim the inheritance and the time I file for bankruptcy to prevent the disclaimed inheritance from coming into question and...
04/30/2009 | Category: Bankruptcy | State: Washington | #16501On a warranty deed can a person who is, a trustee or a sucessor, along with a corporation can that position be leagally passe...
On a warranty deed can a person who is, a trustee or a sucessor, along with a corporation can that position be leagally passed down or controlled by blood relative, if its a legal document?
04/30/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Florida | #16500What is needed to noyify the defendant of my action to subpeona her bank record?
This is a small claims case that has been moved to trial. The Defendant has provided photo copies of a front of a check and the back of a prior check made out to my company. I need to get the forms for a Subpeona Duce Tecum to be served to her bank and I understand that I must also serve the defendant as well, so they can have 14 days to squash the subpeona. I just do not know ...
04/30/2009 | Category: Discovery | State: Oklahoma | #16499Am I still responsible for backpay of child support if I did not even know the child was mine?
I and another man was dating a woman in 1989. They got married because she was pregant with his child as he thought. A few years later (1998) when he had filed for divorced, the divorce decree said/stated that there was a child born to this marriage and he was to pay child support. The husband then requested a paternity test and found out that he was not the father of the chi...
04/30/2009 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Kentucky | #16496What should I do if my birth name was changed but never legally?
I was born with my legal birth name, but my mother changed the spelling. I have lived with the wrong name for 79 years. What should I do?
04/30/2009 | Category: Name Change | State: Oklahoma | #16495How do I release a lien on property I have sold?
I have sold a piece of real estate property and now need to provide a lien release. Please let me know all the forms required to complete this task.
04/30/2009 | Category: Real Property » Liens | State: Texas | #16493My son's ex-wife is suing for back child support but the children are grown. Is this legal?
My son, age 46, was married to a drug addict for many years. They had 2 children. When they divorced, he was ordered by the court to pay child support. Due to the stress of the divorce, he lost his job of 18 years and had to take a much lower-paying job. He is now doing a little better financially, but not even enough to get his own place. So, he has been living with my husban...
04/30/2009 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: California | #16491I am drawing a new trust and am unsure of who to list as property owners
I have been given a life estate in three properties by my husband now deceased. I am drawing a new trust. When I have my husband's name removed from the deed, should I put my name as a user of the property or my husband's son as the eventual owner? Also amendments made when my husband was sick, but perfectly clear in his mind, show his signature as barely legible. Knowing what...
04/30/2009 | Category: Trusts | State: California | #16490