Legal Questions and Answers
Who actually owns a company logo?
If a company has a ticker symbol - lets say XY - who actually owns this ticker symbol. Is it the exchange or the company? The reason I am asking this is to determine if a company who has the ticker can reasonably prohibit another company from issuing press releases using that ticker. It’s not prohibited in our contracts - so I am wondering if they even can.
04/30/2009 | Category: Copyrights | State: ALL | #16489New property management company is requiring tenants to sign new lease/terms. Is this necessary?
I have lived in a mobile home park since September of 2005. We did pay our rent in cash but since December of 05 we have paid by check. We recently had a change of management, now they want a few of us to sign a rental agreement valid for 7 months only after which they can let you go or resign an agreement. My question is: Is there not a grandfather clause that would apply? If...
04/30/2009 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: California | #16488What is needed to release a lien on property I have sold?
I have sold a piece of real estate property and now need to provide a lien release. Please let me know all the forms required to complete this task.
04/30/2009 | Category: Real Property » Liens | State: Texas | #16487Am I still responsible for child support if my daughter is eighteen and not in school?
I proudly pay my wife child support directly to her each month as ordered by the Court. I believe my eldest daughter has been emancipated since 11/1/07. She is eighteen years old, she quit high school, moved out of her mother's house, and works full time, making almost what I do. For the past 5 months I have continued to pay the same amount for both daughters, but am financiall...
04/30/2009 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: ALL | #16486Does Ohio have an impulse to buy clause because I bought a car I can not afford?
I just bought a car from a dealer and I really can’t afford it. Does Ohio have an impulse buy clause or anything like that?
04/30/2009 | Category: Automobiles | State: Ohio | #16485Do I need to change my Name on the Deed after having a name change?
My husband & I have two deeds held in joint tenancy. In 1998, I had my name legally changed in my county probate court. My name on the deeds themselves, however, was not changed. A local attorney here said I would not need to do new deeds. Rather, that I might want to 'get a certified copy of the Certificate of Name Change and record it in the Registry of Deeds to put the worl...
04/30/2009 | Category: Name Change | State: Maine | #16484Can I Enforce a Verbal Agreement to Lease Real Estate?
I made a verbal arrangement with a woman to rent her house from June 08 to October 08. We agreed upon the terms and amount of payment and I wrote her a personal check to cover the agreed upon deposit. Based on this agreement I gave notice to my present landlord. The woman called me the next day and said that she was going back out on the deal. This has put me out because I hav...
04/30/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Verbal Lease | State: California | #16483Is there a form provision for 'dissolution' of the corporation and how shares are handled?
For Bylaws for a corporation (for profit) is there a form provision for 'dissolution' of the entity and then how shares are handled? As well as authorizing new shares for new partners (process for same)?
04/30/2009 | Category: Corporations » Corporate Di... | State: Colorado | #16482My father left me his home so how do I transfer the deed and keep this out of probate court?
My father left a will and left all his belongings to me and my husband. He also left behind a lot of unsecured debt. We want to try and keep his house, as we would like to move into his house, but would like to keep this matter out of probate court. Would an affidavit of heirship work for the transferring of the deed? He owes a mortgage on the property also, but we are fully wi...
04/30/2009 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Arkansas | #16481Does presenting yourself as being married consitute a Common Law Marriage in Texas?
My mother has lived with the same man for 7 yrs. He put a ring on her finger and there was a 'wedding' reception. They have told everyone that they are married. I have been introduced by him as his step daughter. Is that common law marriage?
04/30/2009 | Category: Marriage » Common Law M... | State: Texas | #16480