Legal Questions and Answers
What is amount that rent on a commercial lease can be raised at one time?
I bought a co-op in 1998 and another in 2002 in the same building. Last October (2008), we where advised by the co-op board that our land lease rent was going up around 115%. My wife and I were shocked. I went back and checked my closing statements. There was a disclosure stating that we had a land lease which we new about, but nothing stating anything about a rent increase on ...
03/14/2009 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: New York | #15630Where can I find a will that allows me to keep my assets separate from my new husbands?
I am a remarried widow with 3 children ( ages 11 and 9 yr old twins). I have assets from my 1st husbands death that I need to keep seporate from my new husband and his children. I recieve pensions and benefits, so my husband and I keep our finances seperate. What kind of will do I need? There is not a widow-remarried in your choices.
03/14/2009 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Utah | #15629If I have allowed my neighbor to use my property for years would this qualify as adverse possession?
Over the past 20 years or so I have allowed my farmer neighbor to fertilize and mow my fields for cutting and using the hay for his horses; I have also allowed him to erect a single electric wire fence with appropriate metal posts to fence off a field of mine for his horses to graze. Does this usage by him allow him any claim to my property either now or in the future?
03/14/2009 | Category: Real Property » Adverse Poss... | State: New York | #15628Can my medical records be subpoenaed for a case with my landlord?
I am in litagation with my landlord. I have disclosed some medical history. They have issude a subpoena for my medical records to the doctors I disclosed. Can they get access to records of mine that I did not disclose? More specificly I received treatment at Haight and Ashbery a free clinic in San Francisco I did not disclose this information. Under the HIPPA law don't the free...
03/14/2009 | Category: Medical Records | State: California | #15627What are the requirements for garnishing wages for credit card debt?
Last week my wages were garnished due to the lack of payment from a 2004 credit card account. My last payment was in 3/2004. This matter has never been into a court of law. In my understanding the statute of limitions has expired. How do I get this matter resolved and stop the garnishment of my wages?
03/14/2009 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: Arizona | #15626How do I answer interrogatories to a complaint?
I now have 3 different interrogatories to answer by end of March. Must I answer all questions as for some I do not have the information. I am working with a Credit consolidation company but they will not advise me. Is it necessary for me to obtain a lawyer?
03/14/2009 | Category: Discovery | State: New Jersey | #15625What is the statute of limitations for collecting a quick loan?
5 years ago I did one of those quick loans, the amount was 350.00. yesterday I received the keys to my new home that I worked for years to clean my credit up . 2 hours after, a summons was delivered; saying I owed 13,500.00 - cost and fees, because I didn't pay. I did pay but have long since thrown away any papers. What can I do?
03/14/2009 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: Illinois | #15624Can I sue the Mother or presumed biological father after 15 years of voluntary paternity?
Can I sue the Mother or presumed biological father after 15 years of voluntary parternity in which the mother stated in court I was the father? The mother, after 15 years of paternity, is claiming and submitted DNA proof that there is a posibility another man is 99.99% is the biological father of the child.
03/14/2009 | Category: Paternity | State: Alabama | #15623Claiming Children as Dependents on Tax Return During Separation
I am separated from husband. He asked me to file my taxes with him and I agreed, but he filed and claimed our two children. Now, I cannot claim either of them. He is supposed to claim one and I claim the other. I asked him to give me the tax money he got for one of the children and keep the money for the other one, but he would not agree. Can he do that and get away with it?
03/13/2009 | Category: Divorce » Legal Separa... | State: Maryland | #15622How do I make a claim against a decedent's estate to collect money for a loan?
A loan for a significant amount of money was made interest free in 1995. The lenders were provided with an insurance policy to secure the loan at the expense of the person making the loan. Eight years later (2003) the beneficiary was changed without the lenders knowledge. The person(s) making the loan have a signed agreement with the deceased that there would be no changes wit...
03/13/2009 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: Florida | #15621