Legal Questions and Answers
How do I recover monies drafted from my bank account after asking the bank in writing to stop draft?
I have sent a letter to Bank of Hometown to stop taking a draft of $75.00 out of my account. I told them that they no longer had authorization to withdraw from my account but they keep doing it. What can I do?
03/12/2009 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: Mississippi | #15609What is involved in issuing a subpoena for an out of state witness in a Small Claims action?
What is involved in issuing a subpoena for an out of state witness in a Small Claims action?
03/12/2009 | Category: Small Claims | State: Texas | #15608What is the penalty for Sexual Molestation of Child in Maryland?
I have recently been accused of child molestation and I admitted to what was the truth. It's the first time that I have ever been accused of such a thing and the first time that I am having legal problems. I don't know much about what can happen now. I took a polygraph because at first denied it. I failed the polygraph and then admitted to my wrong doing. This is my first time ...
03/12/2009 | Category: Criminal » child molest... | State: Maryland | #15607Is there a form I can sign to give up my portion of inherited property?
Regarding heir property. If one of the heirs want to forfeit their share of the land because they have never paid taxes and do not want to pay taxes, which form would I use so they can terminate their share of the land located in East Texas.
03/12/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Texas | #15606Quitclaim Deed from LLC to Husband and Wife
In order to receive financing (line of credit) I need to complete a Quitclaim Deed from our LLC to my husband and me. I see all these forms online but don't see one from an LLC to husband and wife. Is there such a thing or can I use the Corporation to husband and wife form?
03/12/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: ALL | #15605Am I Entitled to Punitive Damages For Embezzlement by Payroll Company?
We have a national company that does our payroll.It turns out our account represenative embezzeled a significant amount of money from us. It was withdrawn from our office bank account as payroll then deposited into an account at a different bank that he set up in my name without my knowledge. He then cashed checks off that account. Due to the dwindling office funds I had to tak...
03/12/2009 | Category: Real Property » Fraud | State: North Carolina | #15604When to use a Small Estate Affadavit
Can a Small Estate Affadavit be used when property is valued at $80,000.00? What would be used instead?
03/12/2009 | Category: Power of Att... » Real Estate | State: New York | #15603Can I return the car I bought after 10 days if I don't want to keep it?
We bought a car 10 days ago, we are not happy with the car. We would like to return the car. What can we do?
03/12/2009 | Category: Contracts » Recission | State: Mississippi | #15602Is an Adopted Child considered a Descendant of a Biological Parent for Inheritance Purpose
If a child is legally adpoted and the biological father gave up all legal rights, is this child considered the biological fathers 'issue' at time of the death of the bio father.
03/12/2009 | Category: Adoption | State: Nevada | #15601Basis for a Town to Issue a Waste Management Payment
What is the legal basis if any for a town to force payment for a waste collection service via the utility bill? I have no intention of using this service (single provider contract signed by town) but apparently will be billed for it.
03/12/2009 | Category: Government | State: Colorado | #15600