Legal Questions and Answers
Should I have been notified when my teen daughter was questioned for Disturbing the Peace at school?
My 15 year old daughter was part of a group of teenagers who 'toilet papered' a house. She was in the group but did not participate. Two months following the incident; while at school, my daughter was questioned and intimidated by threat of Juvenile Hall regarding the event. She was subsequently arrested for Disturbing the Peace, and released on her own 'promise to appear'. ...
03/12/2009 | Category: Criminal | State: California | #15575Need to dissolve LLC since Partnershp has gone bad
I am a member of a LLC, my parnter is the other member. We are both own 50% of the LLC. The partnership has gone bad and I have been trying to buy him out. He is not interested. We have no signed contract between each other and we do not have a operating agreement..since he is not interested in a buyout..I have obtained a lawyer to file a petition to dissolve the LLC which i un...
03/12/2009 | Category: LLC | State: New Jersey | #15574How to Successfully Terminate a Lease when Leaving the Country
Hello, I am living in Hayward, and I have several questions about the apartment lease agreement. I and two of my friends (we are international students from Japan) made a contract/lease agreement with the apartment in 05/30/2008, and the agreement is ending on 05/30/2009. Thus, the lease agreement is under three tenants including me and other two of my friends/roommates for 1 ...
03/12/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: ALL | #15573How to answer a forclosure summons
I received a foreclosure summons and have to file an answer. How do I do that? I just want to give the building back.
03/12/2009 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: Illinois | #15572What to do when a Temporary Restraining Order has been wrongfully filed
My wife filed a temp protective order against me. I have no history of harm or abuse to my kids or wife the only two police responses were me calling when my wife was getting in my face. the other time was I went to my house prior to the protective order and she changed the locks and prevented me from seeing the kids. I did not know if she or the kids were ok and safe. now i ca...
03/12/2009 | Category: Domestic Violence | State: Washington | #15571What are grounds for withholding rent?
Do any of the following constitute grounds to withhold rent (no non set-off language in lease): no hot water, no water in kitchen faucet, front door unable to be locked. In other words, do these conditions prove evidence of 'inhabitability'? Please provide references for backup.
03/12/2009 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Repairs | State: New Jersey | #15570How to get sole ownership of an inherited home
In my fathers will my sister and I were given joint ownership of his home. She wants me to have the home. what forms do I need for her to sign over her half of the property to me?
03/12/2009 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: ALL | #15569How to become legal citizen of the United States if you have children here
I have a relative that's a US citizen and married an illegal from Mexico. She has been here in the U.S. illegally for about five years now. They have two children together one is two years old the other is four, both born US citizens. My relative just got diagnosed with cancer and has only a few months to a year to live. His wife wants to stay in the US with her children. What ...
03/12/2009 | Category: Immigration | State: ALL | #15568Statue of Limitations regarding a bad check written years ago
I have received a letter from district attorney office in state of Oklahoma regarding a bad check from 1984 they are telling me there is warrant for me for this old bad check. my question is there a statue of limitations on this and if I pay will they drop the charges?
03/12/2009 | Category: Civil Actions » Limitations | State: Oklahoma | #15567