Legal Questions and Answers
What is a holographic will?
If the holographic will states money to be given to only living brothers & sisters, will that leave nieces & nephews of deceased out of will?
01/09/2009 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Arkansas | #14953Can a lien be placed on my home for a judgement against my husband only?
I hold an individual mortgage on my home and am in the process of refinancing. When the lender checked title, a judicial lien was found against my husband. Based on information I found concerning the judicial lien statutes in Michigan, I do not believe that this lien is proper. MCL 600.101 to 600.9947, Chapter 28, Section 2807 says that a judgment lien does not attach to en...
01/08/2009 | Category: Judgment Liens | State: Michigan | #14952What is owner's liability for tenant drug use on premises?
What is owner's liability for tenant drug use on premises?
01/08/2009 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Florida | #14950How can I collect money owed by a business partner?
In the beginning of this year myself and two other people I was doing business with agreed verbally to get a commercial property together and split the bills evenly. Joe was the one getting all the work and was paying both Bill and myself as outside contractors. Before this agreement Joe and I agreed that my rates would have to increase by $5 an hour to help pay for the extra o...
01/08/2009 | Category: Contracts | State: Pennsylvania | #14948How do I apply for Guardianship if I already have Power of Attorney?
Wife has Alzheimer's. The PA I have is dated AFTER she was diagnosed. I need proper forms to apply to the courts. To which court do I apply for Legal Guardianship?
01/08/2009 | Category: Guardianship | State: Florida | #14947Can my husband and I make provisions in our will now for our unborn child?
My husband and I are expecting our first child in early March. We are working on our will now. Can we go ahead and include her in it with guardian information, trust information, etc.? Or, should we wait to set up the will after she's born?
01/08/2009 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Georgia | #14946Can we be held liable for the seller's part of property taxes if he under paid us at time of sale?
We bought a home in Texas at the end of August 2008. The title company used 2007 property tax rates to determine amount paid to us by seller. 2008 rates ended up being much higher so seller underpaid us $800.00 for his part of property taxes. He is now refusing to pay it. We paid the tax office the amount owed for the 4 months we have owned the property and we paid the amoun...
01/08/2009 | Category: Real Property » Sales | State: Texas | #14945How do I become emancipated in Pennsylvania?
With the new financial aid questions on the FAFSA, emancipation becomes a very important planning tool. I know there is no real emancipation in New Jersey but, what are the rules for emancipation in Pennsylvania?
01/08/2009 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: New Jersey | #14943How can a company be found for fraud?
I purchased a trailer and land for $46,000 contract for deed. The people from whom I purchased the property now inform me they owe a $30,000 balloon payment in April 2009. I know they are fraudulent, but I want to know if the real estate company that handled the contract is also liable for damages. The real estate company received $2,700 for their services. The people I bou...
01/07/2009 | Category: Contract for Deed | State: Kentucky | #14942What are my options when the home I am renting was foreclosed on without my knowledge?
I am 5 months into my 2 year lease. I have recently found out that the owner of the home was not paying the mortgage and his home went into foreclosure and was recently sold. I have been asked to move out within 60 days. So in other words this owner was taking my monthly rent of $2000.00 and not paying it to his lender. I feel very deceived! Not only do I NOT have any monies to...
01/07/2009 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: California | #14941