Legal Questions and Answers
What is the penalty for petty larceny first offense under $50 in New York?
A class a Misdemeanor of petty larceny of under $50 and no priors what is the worse that can happen?
11/20/2007 | Category: Criminal » Sentences | State: New York | #12590What is the legal difference between molestation and rape concerning children?
Please explain the legal difference between molestation and rape concerning children. It has always puzzled me as to why a person is charged with molestation instead of rape..
11/20/2007 | Category: Criminal » child molest... | State: New York | #12569What are the Penalties for Fleeing the Scene of an Accident
My 19 year old son borrowed a friends car. It was foggy and the ground was moist. When he stopped at a stop sign and accelerated too fast and lost control, he hit a parked car and then fled the scene. What penalties is he likely to face?
11/19/2007 | Category: Criminal | State: California | #12563Missouri Law Regarding the Right to use Protective Force
Does the Missouri law state that if anyone enters your home uninvited (robbery,burglary) you have the right to shoot and kill if you believe your life is in danger?
11/19/2007 | Category: Criminal » Statute of L... | State: Missouri | #12559Can you spend time in jail for diving on a suspended driver's license?
A friend of mine has a DUI pending she has been to court four times now and they have postponed the trial due to a problem with the video evidence.She was on the side of the road with 2 flat tires and no spare.While waiting she opened a beer and an officer pulled up and gave her a breathalizer test and she blew a .08.How long can this keep going on.It seems to me that there can...
11/19/2007 | Category: Drivers License | State: Kentucky | #12542How do I gain legal guardianship of my nephew who is living with my family?
How do I gain legal guardianship of my nephew who is living with my family until he finishes school?
11/19/2007 | Category: Guardianship | State: Missouri | #12529Now that I am divorced do I need to update my will to exclude my then wife?
I was recently divorced in MA. The divorce decree is final. It is my understanding that items which includes cash, bank accounts, and the house,which are all in my name, but are left to my wife according to the will, are not legally hers, pursuant to MA law and the parts of the will which identify her are voided.
11/19/2007 | Category: Divorce | State: Massachusetts | #12527What is the legal definition of obstruction of justice?
If you lie to a police officer about something that would have no effect on another person being arrested is that considered obstruction of Justice?
11/19/2007 | Category: Criminal | State: Illinois | #12525Will you please tell me if your company has to pay you if you get a jury summons and have to take off work?
Will you please tell me if your company has to pay you if you get a jury summons and have to take off work?
11/18/2007 | Category: Employment | State: ALL | #12479Colorado Statues of Limitations Regarding Possession of Weapons by Previous Offenders
I notice that most States have a way for convicted felons to have their right to own/posses guns reinstated; yet I am unable to find anything on Colorado's system. Does Colorado have statues regarding this? If so, how do I begin the process?
11/18/2007 | Category: Criminal » Statute of L... | State: Colorado | #12475