Legal Questions and Answers
Persons Who Take Upon Intestacy
In Texas, if a spouse dies without leaving a will, does the surviving spouse inherit all assets, including property that was left to the deceased spouse during the time of marriage?
11/18/2007 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Texas | #12473On what grounds can a lardlord keep the security deposit?
Can a landlord keep a $750.00 security deposit for "There is no security deposit to be returned as it was applied to the plumbing repairs caused by your turning of the heat in February. I lived in a little school house that was 12 feet by 40 feet.
11/18/2007 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Security Dep... | State: Virginia | #12470What are the grounds for slander?
I was let go from my job, reason giving cause of money shortages at this business. Now I am being accused of taking this money. Which I did not do. Workers from this business are telling customers and my friends I was fired because I took money from this business. Do I have a slander case?
11/18/2007 | Category: Civil Actions » Defamation | State: Virginia | #12468What is needed for minors to marry in Louisiana?
My fiance is 17 and we live in Louisiana. we know that she can move out at 17 and were about to do that but we want to get married and we wanted to know if we can just go do it or if shed have to get emancipated, if so how would we go about doing that? (her dad most likely won't want to sign)
11/18/2007 | Category: Minors | State: Louisiana | #12465Would a Missouri prenuptial agreement be valid internationally?
I plan to marry a lady from New Zealand. Would a Missouri prenuptial agreement be valid internationally? That is if marriage takes place in Minnesota, Missouri or New Zealand? Would the prenuptial be valid in any jurisdiction in USA or New Zealand?
11/17/2007 | Category: Marriage » Premarital A... | State: Missouri | #12453What is considered simple assault in the state of Washington?
I have a 4th degree assault 9a.36.041 a gross misdemeanor,does Washington state law consider this a "simple assault? Also does this go off your record after 5 years?
11/17/2007 | Category: Criminal » Assault | State: Washington | #12450Is there a way to remove my my husband from the deed if he is in arrears on child payment?
I bought a house with a boyfriend-we were never married-we have two children in common -I have an order of protection against him- The question is he owes approx. $15,000.00 in child support I live in the house with the children. I want to ask the support court if we can do a security undertaking by attaching a lien to the house. If after the three years of the security un...
11/17/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: New York | #12449Can I terminate my lease if my landlord is involved in illegal activity with my roommate?
If I know that the person I lease my house from is involved in illegal activities with one of my house mates and I don't feel safe living there anymore, can I get out of my lease that still has ten months left without being sued by my landlord?
11/17/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Maine | #12445What is needed for me to become guardian of my older elderly brother?
I have an elderly brother who is in a nursing home. Do I have to live in the same little town to be his guardian? I am about 4 hours away?
11/16/2007 | Category: Guardianship | State: Texas | #12417What can I do to my ex-girlfriend for harrassing me?
My ex-girlfriend has harrassed me and has even cost me my job! Can I get her for her costing me my job?
11/16/2007 | Category: Criminal » Harassment | State: Alabama | #12416