Legal Questions and Answers
What are my rights if the online seller will not honor his return policy?
I purchased an antique firearm over the internet from a private individual. He represented the gun as original and valued as such $4,150.00. The seller provided a verbal assurance, standard practice on buy and sell that there is a three day inspection, right of return. The seller now refuses to refund the money claiming it is a layaway and as such no refund. The seller did not ...
09/19/2007 | Category: Contracts » BuySell Agre... | State: Colorado | #8877What is defined as one's legal name?
What is defined as one's legal name? This is in regards to the Federal I.D. Act of 2005, renewing driver's license. The individual has been called by her middle name since birth while most legal documents are signed using her middle name, maiden family name and husband's family name. I was told by social security office that only the first name on a birth certificate is cons...
09/19/2007 | Category: Name Change | State: Alabama | #8876If you are called as a State's Witness who is responsible for payment of your services?
If you are a State Witness and the Defense Counsel request to obtain your deposition is the Defense Counsel required to pay for your services?
09/19/2007 | Category: Courts | State: Florida | #8873Can a child move out at 17 or do they need to be emancipated?
Can a child at 17 move out of their parents house (if it is okay with the parents) or does it have to be by emancipation? And if emancipation, does that nullify any insurance or inheritance that the child my have?
09/19/2007 | Category: Minors | State: Louisiana | #8871Who is responsible for damage to my neighbor's car done by my son's friend's car?
My son's friend parked in my driveway, cause he ran out of gas. While he walked to the nearest gas station to get gas, his car was left in neutral and rolled down the driveway into the street, hitting my neighbors car that was parked across the street. When he got back, my neighbor asked the kid to exchange information as my neighbor was on the phone with the police. The kid a...
09/19/2007 | Category: Civil Actions | State: Ohio | #8870What is the minimum age to become emancipated?
I'm 14, I want to move out so bad. My parents are divorced and blah its been complicated. I know I can support my self by working at the deli. They let people 14 and up work there titusville has changed a lot. Me and my friend both want to move out. If me and her put all of are saved money together I'm sure we can make it by. I WANT TO BE EMANCIPATED!
09/18/2007 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Florida | #8867How long does the emancipated process usually take?
I'm 17 and my parents and I have had nasty fights on my "rights" for about 2 years. I have a job, a car, and a place to live. I believe all would be happier if I lived on my own. My parents have even suggested it, but when I brought it up to them they denied it. I turn 18 in December. Should I try and wait until my birthday or try for emancipation?
09/18/2007 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: California | #8865Is it legal for DHS to question my 6 year old at school without my permission or knowledge?
Is it legal for the Department of Children and Family Services to question my 6 year old child at her school without my permission or without my knowledge.
09/18/2007 | Category: Minors | State: Florida | #8863Is it legal for me to allow my 17 year old daughter to move to another state with her boyfriend?
I live in Florida and My 17 year old daughter wants to move to new jersey with her fiance. Is it legal for me to allow her to move?
09/18/2007 | Category: Minors | State: New Jersey | #8857What is the definition of "Unsupervised Contact"?
What is the definition of "Unsupervised Contact"? I am trying to find out what the boundaries between supervised and unsupervised are. I have searched all over the web and can find nothing that specifies this.
09/18/2007 | Category: Courts » Legal Defini... | State: Michigan | #8854