Legal Questions and Answers
If I am dating someone who is 21 years old and I am 17 is this legal?
If I am dating someone who is 21 years old and I am 17 is this legal?
09/10/2007 | Category: Minors | State: Illinois | #8588Is there an income limit for a person to file bankruptcy?
Is there an income limit for a person to file bankruptcy?
09/10/2007 | Category: Bankruptcy | State: Georgia | #8587Does a stipulated judgment appear on your credit report?
Does a stipulated judgment appear on your credit report?
09/10/2007 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: Texas | #8579In the event of my spouse's death, am I responsible for any of his credit card debt?
My husband and I have no debt together. He has his own credit cards, debt and I have mine. However, I am an authorized user on several of his cards. In the event of his death, am I responsible for any of his debt? The credit that does not have my name on it ? What about the cards that I am authorized user. Am I responsible for that payment? This is a second marriage for both ...
09/10/2007 | Category: Marriage | State: Arkansas | #8574I am 18 years old and pregnant. The father is about to turn 17. He has not been involved in this pregnancy and does not acc...
I am 18 years old and pregnant. The father is about to turn 17. He has not been involved in this pregnancy and does not accept responsibility. Once my child is born, the fathers mother says that they are going to get visitation rights. What visitation rights can he recieve since he is still in high school and under the age of 18?
09/10/2007 | Category: Divorce » Visitation | State: Missouri | #8572Is the legal owner of a web site the one who sets it up and has the pass code?
Is the legal owner of a web site the one who sets it up and has the pass code?
09/10/2007 | Category: Internet | State: Georgia | #8571We are in contract to buy a home and the settlement date says on or about October 15th. We have now been told that that could mean November 15th. Is that the law?
We just moved and we are renting. We are in contract to buy a home and the settlement date says on or about October 15th. We have now been told that that could mean November 15th. Is that the law?
09/10/2007 | Category: Real Property » Sales | State: New York | #8569If you are a minor and have had a minor in possession conviction not while driving, is this a felony or misdemeanor?
If you are a minor and have had a minor in possession conviction not while driving, what is that classified as a felony or misdemeanor? And is that record open to employers?
09/10/2007 | Category: Criminal » Minors | State: Missouri | #8568Am I able to forfeit my parental rights? Can I voluntarily emancipate my daughter?
My daughter is 16 years old. She refuses to follow my rules, is on probation for drugs and doesn't come home unless she feels like it. Am I able to forfeit my parental rights? Can I voluntarily emancipate her?
09/09/2007 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Minnesota | #8562I moved in my fathers home with my family. My mother now wants to sell the home. Do I have to move out?
My father passed away five years ago. My mother moved away. I moved in my fathers home with my family. My mother now wants to sell the home. Do I have to move out?
09/09/2007 | Category: Misc | State: Mississippi | #8558