Legal Questions and Answers
Can both the husband and wife file for divorce?
Can both the husband and wife file for divorce, or can only one of them file and one respond?
09/15/2007 | Category: Divorce | State: Washington | #8781Is it legal in the state of New Jersey to tape a phone conversation without the other persons consent?
Is it legal in the state of New Jersey to tape a phone conversation without the other persons consent? Can this be used in court as evidence?
09/15/2007 | Category: Privacy | State: New Jersey | #8778My father died 3 a half years ago. I believe very strongly he had a trust account. He was highly invested all his life, and s...
My father died 3 a half years ago. I believe very strongly he had a trust account. He was highly invested all his life, and spent 30 years hiding it from my mother who is a big time gambler.Since his death there have been many inuendos about there being a trust but when I have asked both my mother and sister (who live together) they deny it.These inuendos have been many;for exa...
09/15/2007 | Category: Trusts | State: New Jersey | #8777Is an order of protection public information?
Is an order of protection public information? This is very important because my sons father has him around a woman with an order of protection against her for abusing a 13 year old girl.
09/15/2007 | Category: Criminal » Minors | State: New York | #8767How do I know if a property has riparian rights if it doesn't show on the deed.
How do I know if a property has riparian rights if it doesnt show on the deed.
09/14/2007 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Florida | #8746What is the legal definition of an occupied structure seen through the eyes of a law enforcement officer?
What is the legal definition of an occupied structure seen through the eyes of a law enforcement officer?
09/14/2007 | Category: Courts » Legal Defini... | State: Colorado | #8744Is it legal for a school to have a child sign an agreement and in effect be held liable?
My childrens school is asking for the child to sign an agreement regard the Technology Lab and in effect will be held liable, criminally. Their ages are 12 and 10. Is this legal?
09/14/2007 | Category: Minors | State: New York | #8726Is it legal for me to move out of my parents house when I'm 18?
I want to move out of my parents house when i'm 18, but i'll still be in school. Is it legal for me to do that?
09/14/2007 | Category: Minors » Liability of... | State: Louisiana | #8723Can you obtain a permit to own tarantulas in Maine? If so who would I contact?
Can you obtaine a permit to own taranchulas in Maine? If so who would I contact?
09/13/2007 | Category: Animals | State: Maine | #8709Can the state of georgia enforce the property division that was issued in Florida?
Can the state of georgia enforce the property division that was issued in Florida?
09/13/2007 | Category: Divorce » Property Set... | State: Texas | #8708