Legal Questions and Answers
Who is responsible for repairing the glass front broken by my son's bike?
My son accidentally broke a store front window with his bicycle . The owner will not turn it in to his insurance and suggested I turn it in to mine. Should he have to turn it in or am I 100% responsible.
09/12/2007 | Category: Civil Actions | State: Ohio | #8634Can the owner of a semi-private golf course charge different prices to different members?
Can the owner of a semi-private golf course charge different prices to different members for annual dues?
09/12/2007 | Category: Misc | State: Kansas | #8632Is my husband still obligated to pay child support if the child is living with us now?
My husband was married before, when they got divorced the divorce papers say that custody is shared, it also states child support is to be paid to the mother. Now the mother has moved 230 miles from us and his daughter, my step daughter has lived with us and attended school from our house for the last year and a half, must we still pay child support to the mother who lives 230...
09/12/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Wisconsin | #8631Can the business I owe money to for repairs to my truck place a lien if they did not do the work?
I leased a truck to a driver. The driver went to work for a bulk carrier as an independent contractor. The carrier and driver signed an agreement whereby the driver would reimburse the carrier for any monies spent by the carrier for repairs made to the truck. So, the carrier contracts with a repair shop to work on the truck. The work is done and the carrier pays the repair sh...
09/11/2007 | Category: Automobiles » Mechanics Lien | State: Maryland | #8630What is federal law regarding hacking?
The Federal Computer Fraud & Abuse Act seems to only pertain to hacking financial and government information on "protected" computers. I know of someone living in California who has deleted files of other users accounts on an internet social networking site, through a program that would select which users he wanted to delete, and start deletion when they visited his user pro...
09/11/2007 | Category: Internet » Hacking | State: ALL | #8629What happens to my profit shares once I leave my employment?
I quit a job in December, 2006 and still haven't received my profit sharing information. I was told by my boss that this was done once a year and he would do it when he had time. Is there a law that states that this should be done in a certain time limit once the employee leaves?
09/11/2007 | Category: Employment | State: Kansas | #8627I have been subpoenaed to appear for a deposition. I am a wittness in the case. Can I refuse to answer a question or request ...
I have been subpoenaed to appear for a deposition. I am a wittness in the case. Can I refuse to answer a question or request that a judge review the question to see if it is revelent to the subpoena? I am concearned that this deposition will be used as a fishing expedition and some questions may be embarrassing to me.
09/11/2007 | Category: Discovery » Depositions | State: Florida | #8613In California - how many "for cause" and "peremptory" challenges in criminal trial?
In California - how many "for cause" and "peremptory" challenges in criminal trial?
09/11/2007 | Category: Courts | State: California | #8611What is the legal age to runaway in Louisiana?
What is the legal age to runaway in Louisiana?
09/10/2007 | Category: Minors » Age of Major... | State: Louisiana | #8590A contractor has placed a lien on the house we are building. The amount is to large, because the have cashed a check since th...
A contractor has placed a lien on the house we are building. The amount is to large, because the have cashed a check since the lien was filed. We want to resolve the matter but they want return our calls. The installed and doors. The payment were made on the windows (in full) but they are not finished. The siding is finished and they were paid in full. The doors ...
09/10/2007 | Category: Contractors | State: Georgia | #8589