Legal Questions and Answers
What is the time limit on cashing a check that you wrote to a business? You write a check and account for it in your ledger b...
What is the time limit on cashing a check that you wrote to a business? You write a check and account for it in your ledger but the business cashes the check over 2 months later and causes your account to be overdrawn and is threating to send you to collections over it. What can you do?
08/28/2007 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: Texas | #8278Is it legal for a public school teacher to refer to soccer as "a stupid communist sport for girls?"
Is it legal for a public school teacher to refer to soccer as "a stupid communist sport for girls?"
08/28/2007 | Category: Civil Rights | State: Idaho | #8276What is the electronic signing device?
I want to receive services from 'X' website and they require an electronic agreement to provide the service. So, I go to their sign-in page which is a web form that displays a signature agreement statement (e.g., "I am agreeing to X, Y and Z" by clicking on this button and entering my password."). Beneath the web form is a toggle button with the label "I agree with the above ...
08/28/2007 | Category: Internet | State: ALL | #8275Is it legal for me to continue living in the house?
My husband and I have decided to divorce. He wanted me out of the house, I have no where to go. Is it legal for me to continue living in the house? We no longer share a bedroom.
08/28/2007 | Category: Divorce | State: Rhode Island | #8271Can she file a discrimination law suit for getting fired due to jail time?
I believe my 22 year old daughter was fired from her job at the local grocer . She was working in the deli. They held her job for 10 or 12 days while she was in jail; when she returned they asked her why she was in jail. She told them and now she is considered a felon. The store cannot have a felon employed at their store. Can she file a discrimination law suit or not?
08/28/2007 | Category: Employment » Discrimination | State: Illinois | #8268How do I obtain legal guardianship over my nephew?
My sister is a teenage mother who is not able to provide for her newborn. My husband and I are financially secure, have two children, both work and have full medical coverage. With my sister's consent, my husband and I are interested in obtaining legal guardianship of our nephew. How can we do this in Washington state?
08/27/2007 | Category: Guardianship | State: Washington | #8255What state law should I go by to get a divorce?
If I am in the Navy in Virginia and my wife is in Texas where we got married and I am from Texas what state law would I go by to get a divorce?
08/27/2007 | Category: Divorce | State: Virginia | #8248Does the father still have visitation rights?
When the father has a court order for visitation rights but has not visited the child in about 3 years. Does the father still have visitation right?
08/27/2007 | Category: Divorce » Visitation | State: Tennessee | #8247We were flooded in the basement. How long does this have to be disclaimed?
We were flooded in the basement (finished basement) and just found out that it flooded there about 20 years ago. We bought this home 5 years ago and this was never disclaimed to us in the property disclosure. How long does this have to be disclaimed? The person that signed the disclaimer states that there is no known defects, because she did not reside at the residence.
08/27/2007 | Category: Real Property » Residential ... | State: Ohio | #8245How can she go about emancipation from her mother if her mother will not agree to it?
I am currently a Foster Parent to a 15 year old female. DSS is about to close her C&P case for the 2nd time and force her to go back to her alcoholic and abusive mother again. The mother is unable to provide a happy, healthy home life for her and she is refusing to go back. She threatens running away if DSS forces her to go back again. She wants to stay in my home permanently...
08/27/2007 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: Massachusetts | #8243