Legal Questions and Answers
Could my son be labeled as a sex offender?
What is my son facing, he is 19 years old, former girlfriend which just turned 17 had a child 2 months ago. He has 2 court dates coming up, one is because she is a minor, the 2nd for child support. Could he be labeled as a sex offender? What would happen if they did get married?
08/27/2007 | Category: Criminal | State: Wisconsin | #8242Is it too late to press charges after 16 years?
If your child was molested at age 5 from a 13 year old cousin and if now at the age of 21 she is strong enough to press charges after years of therepy is it to late?
08/27/2007 | Category: Criminal » child molest... | State: Illinois | #8231What is a reserved ruling?
What is a reserved ruling?
08/26/2007 | Category: Courts | State: Colorado | #8229Does a joint tenancy deed cancel out an existing will?
Does a joint tenancy deed cancel out an existing will?
08/26/2007 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Arizona | #8227What is the legal definition of Wilson v. Wilson?
I need to know the legal definition of wilson vs wilson so I know if the non custodial parent is responsible for transpertation to and from all visits.
08/26/2007 | Category: Divorce » Visitation | State: Nebraska | #8224Am I married at all if minister had no ordained license?
I was married on March 18, 2006. My sister was the officiate having obtained her license online. As of today she never turned the certificate in to the Bexar county courthouse, and now says she lost it! So my question is, am I married at all? It was a big wedding and there were over 20 witnesses. But I have no legal proof! I love my sister and dont want to get her into trouble...
08/26/2007 | Category: Marriage » License | State: Texas | #8220Was I wrongfully charged for not paying child support?
In 1995 I was charged with a felony non-support in excess of $5,000. But I only owed $4,000. They said that it was because I fail to pay 6 consecutive months in a 12 month period. My 6 months of non paying were not in a row. Was I wrongfully charged.
08/26/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Missouri | #8216Does our lease break if property is put up for sale?
The landlord that we lease this townhouse from has put the townhouse up for sale. Does this break our lease as we are looking for another place to live just in case they sale this place. Will we still be responsible for the remainder of that lease?
08/25/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Missouri | #8212Can I use my start date for department change seniority?
I have worked for a school district since 2002. I have worked my self to becoming a bus driver. There is nothing in my contract stating that I have to keep starting my seniority over with each job per civil service law can I use my start date for dept change seniority.
08/24/2007 | Category: Employment | State: New York | #8196We currently have a LLC for a real estate business. 3 members (siblings). My question is if one of the members is convicted...
We currently have a LLC for a real estate business. 3 members (siblings). My question is if one of the members is convicted of a crime, can the LLC be vulnerable?
08/24/2007 | Category: LLC | State: New York | #8189