Legal Questions and Answers
Can you ask for more time once a judgement has been granted to vacate a property.
Can you ask for more time once a judgement has been granted to vacate a property.
08/21/2007 | Category: Judgments | State: California | #8111What are the laws in va as far as a jail providing education for inmates?
What are the laws in va as far as a jail providing education for inmates?
08/21/2007 | Category: Education | State: Virginia | #8107My mother-in-law passed away a month ago..My sister-in-law is the executor of the estate and is trying to sell her mothers ca...
My mother-in-law passed away a month ago..My sister-in-law is the executor of the estate and is trying to sell her mothers car. We have found a buyer and am now being told that my sister-in-law needs a short certificate before she can sell it..Where do we get this, how much does it cost and does she need it if she has the will stating she is the executor and a death certificate...
08/21/2007 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Pennsylvania | #8105What is the statue of limatation on a civil judgement and how do I file a lein on the judgement? We got the court judgement ...
What is the statue of limatation on a civil judgement and how do I file a lein on the judgement? We got the court judgement in Nov. 05 and the person did not comply, our attorney quit the case and we are now on our own. The court civil judgement releates to a realty property, FHA Loan. The realtor charged us for an inspection, told us the inspection was done but we found out...
08/21/2007 | Category: Courts | State: Oklahoma | #8104What is a Declaration in support of entry of judgment?
What is a Declaration in support of entry of judgment?
08/21/2007 | Category: Judgments | State: Oregon | #8103Someone told me you can take a garnishment to the customers bank and they will have to give you the funds if they are in ther...
Someone told me you can take a garnishment to the customers bank and they will have to give you the funds if they are in there. Is this true?
08/21/2007 | Category: Judgments | State: Missouri | #8102Can I breach my lease for pests and the welfare of my child?
I have a 12 month lease currently in good standing. Since I've been in this apartment I have seen at least 1 mouse a month. There is mice droppings everywhere and I've been told that they carry bacteria and other germs and I have a toddler in the place. I have contacted the landlord and all he did was put down one glue trap that barely has glue on it. Can I breach my lease ...
08/21/2007 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: District Of Columbia | #8101The defendant was not released and picked up by another county and detained. How do I go about that?
I'm a surety that wishes to be relieved on a bond for good cause. The defendant was not released and picked up by another county and detained. How do I go about that?
08/21/2007 | Category: Bonds » Surety Bonds | State: South Carolina | #8093Must I still take possession of the home and pay rent unless the property is leased to someone else?
I have signed a lease and paid a deposit for the lease of a home. Eleven days before possession, I notified (by phone and email) the landlord that I will not be able to take possession of the house and would like to terminate the lease. Must I still take possession of the home and pay rent unless the property is leased to someone else? Will I be able to get my deposit back ...
08/21/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Colorado | #8090Does having a child legally emancipate you by itself?
I am 15 years old and pregnant; the father of my baby is 20 years old. We want to get married and live together. Does having a child legally emancipate you by itself? If not, what do I have to do in order to be emancipated and how long would the process take?
08/20/2007 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: California | #8087