Legal Questions and Answers
We just had a survey done on our property and found out that our neighbors’ fence is on a sizable portion of our lot ...
We just had a survey done on our property and found out that our neighbors’ fence is on a sizable portion of our lot (480 sq. ft.) Can we remove the fence? The fence has been there for approximately18 years.
08/20/2007 | Category: Real Property » Adverse Poss... | State: Minnesota | #8069How are assets divided in the case of a divorce in the state of Arizona?
How are assets divided in the case of a divorce in the state of Arizona?
08/20/2007 | Category: Divorce » Property Set... | State: Arizona | #8064My daughter turned 18 in the beginning of August and will be a senior in high school. She lives with her dad in North Dakota,...
My daughter turned 18 in the beginning of August and will be a senior in high school. She lives with her dad in North Dakota, but now wants to move to Minnesota with me, her mom, to finish her last year of high school. Is she legally able to move out of her dad's house since she is now 18 or can she be forced to live there with him and go back to her old school?
08/19/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: North Dakota | #8062What does “Notice of Settlement of Entire Case” mean?
What does “Notice of Settlement of Entire Case” mean?
08/19/2007 | Category: Civil Actions | State: ALL | #8060In New York State, can a will have 2 executors?
In New York State, can a will have 2 executors?
08/19/2007 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: New York | #8057What is Statutory Rape in North Carolina?
08/19/2007 | Category: Criminal » Minors | State: North Carolina | #8054Can we get dirt fill at county expense in cemetery?
Our Church Cemetery has several Civil War Veterans buried in it and we have need for a lot of dirt fill in a portion in order to build it up to level so it can be used to bury more people. We have been told that the county supervisor can do this at county expense.
08/19/2007 | Category: Real Property | State: Mississippi | #8051My grandmother deeded property to my mother by a Deed of Gift. Her siblings are contesting the legality of the Deed of Gift. ...
My grandmother deeded property to my mother by a Deed of Gift. Her siblings are contesting the legality of the Deed of Gift. What grounds could they have?
08/19/2007 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Washington | #8047What is meant by the phrase "fruit of the poisonous tree?"
What is meant by the phrase "fruit of the poisonous tree?"
08/18/2007 | Category: Evidence | State: ALL | #8043What are my options if my new air conditioner is not working properly?
I just had installed a brand new HVAC unit - compressor, condensor and furnace about 37 days ago. They have come out to replace the compressor, the lines to the house, etc. and it still is not working properly. What are my options? I would like to go with another company, but not sure if it will be worth the fight.
08/18/2007 | Category: Contractors | State: Florida | #8035