Legal Questions and Answers
I got a summons for jury service from the U.S. district court southern district of florida.I do not want to serve but I fille...
I got a summons for jury service from the U.S. district court southern district of florida.I do not want to serve but I filled out the form that came with it & sent it back.My question is what will happen if I don't call on the date that I am asked to call.I'am 63 and lets say I just forget to call.What can they do ? But more important is what are they likly to do ? Don't I hav...
07/13/2007 | Category: Courts | State: Florida | #7149Does the 15 years prescriptive easement include the predecessors of property
A Brick 2ft x 6ft Barbecue pit was built on property "A" 30 yrs ago. Four different residents have lived at Property "A." The most recent is 14 years. Property " B" believes that 1 ft of the BBQ pit is on his property. An official land survey agrees. Property " A" states that "prescriptive easement" entitles him to keep the BBQ pit and not remove it from property line. T...
07/12/2007 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: Michigan | #7141Am I allowed to speak to the judge before court and am I allowed to view the in car video?
Am I allowed to speak to the judge before court and am I allowed to view the in car video?
07/11/2007 | Category: Courts | State: Kentucky | #7108What can be done if the police questioned my 13 year old son? I was not called for permission nor was I notified that the pol...
What can be done if the police questioned my 13 year old son? I was not called for permission nor was I notified that the police officer talked to my son.
07/11/2007 | Category: Civil Rights | State: Michigan | #7103Under education law, 20 U.S.C SEC1087(C) (1) is there a time frame?
I'm a victim of false certification. I received a students loan in 1978; I became aware of this loan in 2007. I put in an application for loan discharge in and was told since I had a loan before 1986 I do not qualify. Under education law, 20 U.S.C SEC1087(C) (1) there is no time frame. Can you please help me out with this? Is there a time frame?
07/11/2007 | Category: Criminal | State: New York | #7102Can my security deposit go towards my last month's rent?
I moved into my new house and I am not renewing my lease due to the fact I purchased a home. I paid a $600 security deposit that is due back if the house is in compliance; which it is. I will be moving into the house I am buying. Can I use the $600 and send them $250 to clear the August rent without being penalized?
07/11/2007 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Security Dep... | State: Alabama | #7095HOW DO I GET MY LEGAL NAME ON MY TDL?
I was divorced in June 2002 and in the divorce decree I was given back my maiden name. I have tried 4 times over the last 6 years to get the change on my TDL but the DPS office have refused saying they want the original copy of my decree. I have a certified copy that I paid $1.00 a page for along with ALL kinds of documents like SS card, voters registration, tag registration, p...
07/11/2007 | Category: Drivers License | State: Texas | #7092Is there any liability concern about listing your home residence as the business address?
My partner ans I want to form an LLC for our Internet Publishing Company. We need to register a physical address. Is there any liability concern about listing your home residence as the business address? Also, must we buy liability insurance for our business right away?
07/11/2007 | Category: LLC | State: West Virginia | #7091How would I go about getting legal guardianship?
My fiance was in a car accident and is no longer capable of handling his own affairs. How would I go about getting legal guardianship?
07/11/2007 | Category: Minors » Custody | State: Missouri | #7085Is he still going to be considered emancipated when he is only in the Reserves?
My 18 year old son has enlisted in the New York Army National Guard Reserves. He has NOT enlisted full time. Is he still going to be considered emancipated when he is only in the Reserves? He leaves for boot camp on 7/24/07 and I have a court date with his father on 7/17/07. Can the courts order child support to be stopped before he actually leaves for boot camp?
07/11/2007 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: New York | #7076