Legal Questions and Answers
Is a non-witnessed holographic will valid in California ?
Is a non-witnessed holographic will valid in California ?
05/17/2007 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: California | #5096When does child support end in the state of Indiana?
My daughter's mother and I went through a paternity suit a few years back. Child support was set, but my daughter does not carry my name. When does child support end in the state of Indiana? My child turned 18 last August and graduates from high school next month. Her mother believes that I am obligated to pay support to age 21, is that correct? My daughter has a job, has not c...
05/17/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Indiana | #5094Can an employer change your work status?
Can an employer change your work status ie: hired as a full- time employee with benefits, status changed to relief with no benefits without notifying the employee?
05/17/2007 | Category: Employment » Discrimination | State: North Carolina | #5092Is there any way I can protect myself from paying spousal support if I divorce?
I am preparing for the possibility of divorce and am concerned about having to pay spousal support/maintenance. I can't afford to do either for any amount of time. I have been the sole household income for at least 3 1/2 to 4 years. My wife has a one year business cerificate from PCC and I have an AS in Fire Protection but have always done fairly low paying blue collar work....
05/17/2007 | Category: Divorce » Alimony | State: Oregon | #5090If you pass away intestate, how is your property divided?
My father and his sister inherited some land from there now deceased parents, the land was unable to be divided as the will designated, so they have owned it jointly. His sister passed away intestate. My question is now that she has passed away how would the property be divided? Does her share go to her husband? Or is it divided between her husband and her children?
05/17/2007 | Category: Wills and Es... » Intestacy | State: Oregon | #5088Can the family of a murder victim be present during the murder's appeal process?
Does the family of a murder victim need to be contacted if the murderer is going up for an appeal. Also, can the family of the murder victim be present during this appeal process?
05/17/2007 | Category: Criminal » Appeals | State: Louisiana | #5087Will I need an attorney to fight my husband for custody of our children since he filed for divorce?
I tried to file for divorce and request joint custody of my 2 kids. My husband beat me to filing for divorce. Will I need an attorney to fight for custody or will a judge make this decision for me? By the way my living arrangement and other things are better than my husbands.
05/17/2007 | Category: Divorce | State: Texas | #5079What is the legal age to get a tattoo in California and Nevada?
05/17/2007 | Category: Minors | State: California | #5076How many days can an employee not show up for work before you can replace him?
I have an employee that called in sick one day and the next day he didn't call in so I called him. But I have not heard from him since and it is 3 days later. Do I assume he has quit or can I fire him for job abandonment or should I make another attempt to call him? What are my rights as an employer concerning this matter?
05/17/2007 | Category: Employment | State: Texas | #5075Someone signed a check in my name. What rights do I have?
Someone gave me a check made out to cash for him. I cashed the check in my bank and gave him the money. My bank told me they could not find such an account and I had to pay back the money. I found out that he stole the check and signed the personal name to the check. What legal rights do I have?
05/17/2007 | Category: Criminal » Fraud | State: New Jersey | #5072