Legal Questions and Answers
My father passed away with a will that was just typed and signed, so is it still legal?
I have questions about probate? Recently my father passed. A sister of his has his power of attorney. I not sure if this power of attorney is just for medical purposes or for all purposes. There is a will which is not witnessed or filed with any attorney. It is typed and signed but I am not sure the signature is my fathers. The sister is also the excutor. No financial inform...
05/17/2007 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Arkansas | #5120What is the law on child support while the child attend's college?
What is the law on child support while the child attends college?
05/17/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Illinois | #5116I am inquiring about the statute of limitations on a judgment. I had a collection company call me today about a judgment for...
I am inquiring about the statute of limitations on a judgment. I had a collection company call me today about a judgment for a Sears credit card of which I had no knowledge. It is not on my credit report at all. They said that they bought the "bad debt" from Sears and they are now collecting on it. They said the judgment was entered in 1999, so it is 8 years old. I told them...
05/17/2007 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: New Jersey | #5115Does an employee have any rights if he/she has been fired and denied unemployment wages because of lies told by the firing ma...
Does an employee have any rights if he/she has been fired and denied unemployment wages because of lies told by the firing manager. I know there is an appeal process. Is it better to have a lawyer involved?
05/17/2007 | Category: Employment | State: Idaho | #5110Is there a Statute of Limitations on Child Molestation?
Is there a statute of limitations on child molestation?
05/17/2007 | Category: Criminal » child molest... | State: Indiana | #5109I am a beneficiary in a will. The family home has been sold and the proceeds have been distributed to four family members. ...
I am a beneficiary in a will. The family home has been sold and the proceeds have been distributed to four family members. I am being asked to give my social security number to the executor and am not on good terms with that individual. I am aware I will have to file taxes on my share of the estate but why would I have to give my social security number now that the estate ad...
05/17/2007 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: California | #5104We recently obtained the survey of our property because we are having a new fence installed. Upon reviewing the survey we no...
We recently obtained the survey of our property because we are having a new fence installed. Upon reviewing the survey we noticed a difference of one foot to our advantage between the survey and what the fence company measured with the existing fence. We would like to take advantage of that extra foot but now it seems that our neighbor has his outdoor shed resting up against ...
05/17/2007 | Category: Real Property » Encroachment | State: New York | #5103How can we have a mobile home moved that does not have a clear title?
Joe owns a lot. He allows his daughter and son in law to park a mobile home on the lot. They get divorced and file for bankruptcy. The lender forecloses on the mobile home but does not reposess it because the appraisser claims that it is not worth hauling away. The mobile home sits for six years. Joe dies and the estate needs to sell the lot but must have a clear title on ...
05/17/2007 | Category: Personal Pro... » Mobile homes | State: California | #5102Can a gift deed be changed or revoked?
My uncle and his wife had my name added to their deed. The deed reads that this was a gift of love. This was done in 2004 and in the state of Virginia. Three years later my uncle was placed in a nursing home, his health became very unstable and his wife has cut off all contact with his family. Can she change the deed and have my name removed?
05/17/2007 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Virginia | #5099How long does an item have to be left before it is considered abandoned property?
My roommate moved out of my apartment in December . She left a bicycle in my storage shed in the backyard. She is now claiming that she is going to press charges against me because I did not let her come get her bike when she came into town in May of the next year. I assumed that she abandoned it and told her unless she wanted to pay me rent for housing the bicycle for 5 months...
05/17/2007 | Category: Abandoned Property | State: Virginia | #5097