Legal Questions and Answers
Can a New York state notary, notarize in another state?
Can a New York state notary, notarize in another state?
05/19/2007 | Category: Fiduciary Duty | State: ALL | #5290Does the state of Florida have the right to send an elderly person to a nursing home?
Does the state of Florida have the right to send an elderly person that they see neglecting themselves to a state nursing home and deplete that persons estate? Can family members be held accountable for the neglect the elderly person is bringing upon themselves?
05/19/2007 | Category: Elderly | State: Florida | #5288Does a parent have a moral or legal obligation to obtain medical help for his or her child?
Does a parent have a moral or legal obligation to obtain medical help for his or her child?
05/19/2007 | Category: Healthcare | State: South Carolina | #5282Can the landlord change the locks, or enter the garage without my permission since I am moving?
My lease was is up the end of May and I am paid until then. I gave written notice to landlord 30 days in advance. Moving out stuff from May 9th and still have the gargage to move stuff out of. The manager keeps pushing to show the place and said she did not have my phone number to call. I had rented from this company for two years and had the same phone number. Given it to he...
05/19/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Missouri | #5253How do I determine who is the heir of fathers property?
My grandmother passed away. My father, being the only living child, took control of everything. She had no will so we assumed that my dad got everything. He kept her house. The contents he sold and used the money to work on the house. Now, a year and a half later, my deceased uncles children have decided that they should get half of everything. Do they have any rights. W...
05/18/2007 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Arkansas | #5246What is the minimum length of marriage to be considered for alimony?
I know that to receive alimony a judge takes into consideration the length of the marriage, what is the minimum length...I've been married for 15 mos. If I have no chance of consideration because it's not been 10 years, per se, this will make a difference in my response to how he wants to file for this divorce.
05/18/2007 | Category: Divorce » Alimony | State: Massachusetts | #5244I could not turn on my utilities because the landlord did not obtain a certificate of occupancy?
My husband & I recently moved into a leased house. I went to have our water turned on and the water department stated that they could not turn on our water as the building needed to be inspected and the landlord had to receive a certificate of occupancy. We are already living in the home. What are our rights pertaining to the lease contract. Shouldn't this have been done before...
05/18/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Texas | #5240What is needed and how do you evict someone who is behind on rent?
We have just become landlords, we were given an apartment in an inhertance, the tenant has not paid rent in 3 months and will not pay, what can we do and what do we have to do legally to get him out of the apartment?
05/18/2007 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Pennsylvania | #5222A neighbor called Child Protective Services and made numerous false allegations regarding my child’s safety and well be...
A neighbor called Child Protective Services and made numerous false allegations regarding my child’s safety and well being while in my care, all of which can be proven to be false. I have had a lot of problems with her in the past. Is there any form of legal action that can be taken against her for this?
05/18/2007 | Category: Civil Actions » Defamation | State: Colorado | #5219I live in Illinois. Is it possible for me to stop paying child support all together, i.e., current as well as back child sup...
I live in Illinois. Is it possible for me to stop paying child support all together, i.e., current as well as back child support? If so, what do I need to do?
05/18/2007 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Illinois | #5217