Legal Questions and Answers
I don't want to specify the duration of tenancy. In this case, when will the tenancy expire?
I am soon going to rent my house in New York and have decided not to specify the duration for which the tenant will occupy the house. In such a situation, when will the tenancy expire?
01/10/2017 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: New York | #29823When will the tenancy expire if the rental agreement does not state the time in this regard?
Recently I shifted to a rented house in New York. The rental agreement of this house does not state the time until which I can occupy the house. In such a situation, when will the tenancy expire?
01/10/2017 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: New York | #29822Can a tenant quit if the premises catch fire due to the repairs made by the landlord?
I have rented my house in New York to a family. I had made some repairs in the building recently and got some new electrical appliances for the tenants. Due to some glitch in the new electrical appliances, the kitchen caught fire and got damaged. Now my tenant wants to quit the rental premises and shift to a new house. Can my tenant quit the premises in such a situation?
01/10/2017 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: New York | #29821Can a tenant leave the rental premises if the landlord refuses to make repairs?
I am living in a rented house in New York City. Few months back the land lord came and fixed the electrical wiring in the house. After a few days, our house caught fire due to some glitch in the electrical wiring and the ground floor of the house got destroyed. I requested the landlord to make the repairs but he refused to make the repairs. Can I leave the premises in such a si...
01/10/2017 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Repairs | State: New York | #29820What is the maximum security deposit a landlord can demand in Iowa?
My wife and I are trying to rent an apartment. The landlord is demanding three month’s rent as security deposit. What is the maximum security deposit a landlord can demand in Iowa?
01/09/2017 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Security Dep... | State: Iowa | #29756Is the tenant obligated to provide a notice to quit before leaving the premises?
I have rented a house in Kansas to a family. Per the rental agreement, the tenancy is going to end this year on November 31. Is the tenant obligated to provide a notice to quit before leaving the premises?
01/09/2017 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Kansas | #29753I am 13 years old and was forced to have sex with my Brother's Friend. What is his punishment?
I am 13 years old and living with my elder brother in Guam. Last night, my brother hosted a small party for his friends at his house. After dinner, one of my brother’s friends came to my room and forced me to have sex with him. What is the punishment for the wrongful act committed by my brother’s friend?
01/09/2017 | Category: Minors | State: ALL | #29744I am looking at a cleaning position but am I an Employee or Independent Contractor?
I am looking at a cleaning position from an business that contracts to provide service to multiple dr offices. The owner of this business wants me to sign agreement that I am a subcontractor with him as the contractor. He will require me to punch in and out of job sites, wear a shirt with his business. He will not take taxes out. If I am sick and unable to work I will have to f...
01/07/2017 | Category: Employment » Independent ... | State: Michigan | #29688Is sexting to a minor illegal in Wisconsin?
Is sexting to a minor illegal in Wisconsin?
01/07/2017 | Category: Mobile Phones » Sexting | State: Wisconsin | #29682Is sexting between minors or teems in Colorado illegal?
Is sexting between minors or teems in Colorado illegal?
01/07/2017 | Category: Mobile Phones » Sexting | State: Colorado | #29671