Legal Questions and Answers
My Husband and I acquired property as tenants in common. Is this part of our community property?
My Husband and I acquired some commercial property. When it was bought it was titled to us as tenants in common. Does this mean this property is part of our community property?
11/25/2016 | Category: Husband and ... » Community Pr... | State: California | #27167I believe my Husband is doing things with our property I have not approved? What are my rights?
I believe my Husband is doing things with property we have acquired during our marriage that I am not aware of. A friend told me that her Husband heard my Husband is preparing to leave me. What can I do?
11/25/2016 | Category: Husband and ... » Fiduciary Duty | State: California | #27166City refused to allow me operate a club close to school even though it had been a club for years.
I have a building that has always been a club so I spent money to open it after it had been closed for almost a year. Now the city will not give ma a permit because now it is too close to the same school that had been there for many years.
11/25/2016 | Category: Alcohol » Schools | State: Texas | #27163I signed an interspousal deed ten years. My husband claims this is his separate property.
I signed an interspousal deed ten years ago requested by the bank so my husband could refinance as my credit was no good. My husband got arrested for corporal punishment on my son. Things are not working out and a divorce maybe in order. My husband insists this is his sole separate party and he will sell and leave us homeless? Is this house really solely his?. I paid bills ten...
11/25/2016 | Category: Divorce » Community Pr... | State: California | #27162what is the process and forms we need to create a lien on a motorcycle?
what is the process and forms we need to create a lien on a motorcycle we did work on and have not been paid.? we are an incorporated business in the state of Maryland, Carroll County. for over 30 years now. i am quite certain our forms and other information is out of date. Thank You.!
11/25/2016 | Category: Liens » Vehicles | State: Maryland | #27161Upon marrying did his Wife acquire 50% interest in the home in Kentucky?
My friends husband died. He did have a will leaving her everything. The home was his before marriage thus the deed is in his name only. Upon marrying did she acquire 50% interest in the home?? The estate will be insolvent unless the home is sold, and she doesn't want to sell.
11/25/2016 | Category: Wills and Es... » Creditors of... | State: Kentucky | #27157Cab a separation agreement made before reconcilitation be effective.
Two years ago, my husband and I planned to separate, and, had a separation agreement which was recorded at the courthouse. In the agreement, my husband agreed to pay me $700.00 a month. I had chosen the separation agreement because he is retired military and we have both medicare and tricare for life. I have numerous health issues, so, I felt this was the best route to take. We...
11/25/2016 | Category: Divorce » Separation A... | State: Idaho | #27155Hello my name is Amy. I'm Mother of a 2 yr. Old son born the day my Father passed away on 11/6/14. His wife my step mother told me I was excluded from his will. Upon me asking for a copy. Quickly selling their jointly shared property with My family that w
Hello my name is Amy. I'm Mother of a 2 yr. Old son born the day my Father passed away on 11/6/14. His wife my step mother told me I was excluded from his will. Upon me asking for a copy. Quickly selling their jointly shared property with My family that we resided on after in February 2015. I was Escorted off by police. And trespassed. Forcing my son and I to the street leaving...
11/25/2016 | Category: Wills and Es... » Spouses | State: Florida | #27153CPA has provided Durable Power of Attorney to my Friend and we have joint Accounts. What do we do?
My friend's daughter, a CPA, now has supervision of my friend's SSI Disability payments and limited financial resources from past investments that have run out. My friend is 62 years old and on disability several years. The CPA has provided Durable Power of Attorney forms for my friend to sign. These forms suggest total control of my friend's finances, housing, properties, inve...
11/25/2016 | Category: Power of Att... » Durable | State: Illinois | #27149What circumstance will warrant the granting of a perpetual injunction?
What circumstance will warrant the granting of a perpetual injunction?
11/25/2016 | Category: Courts | State: Michigan | #27147