Legal Questions and Answers
Can a person change his birth certificate name using a court order of another state?
My birth certificate name is different from that of my social security card. I’ve changed my birth certificate name to the name in my social security card name through a court in Indiana. How do I get my birth certificate name to match with my new social security card name in California?
11/26/2016 | Category: Vital Records » Birth Certif... | State: California | #27188What are the ways I can take title to real property?
I am acquiring real estate is various States as an investment and need to know how I should title this real property?
11/26/2016 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: ALL | #27187My Husband and I are on the title to our car. He died but his Sister took the car. What can I do?
My husband passed away August 2016 he and I name were on the title. I went to the DMV. However my sister in law took the car. How should I proceed?
11/26/2016 | Category: Automobiles » Ownership | State: South Carolina | #27185I'm leaving my husband and moving out of state. May I move out of state with my child?
I'm leaving my husband and moving out of state. I've been emotionally and mentally abused by him. My son is a type 1 diabetic and I'm the care giver. Can I take him legally out of state with me.
11/26/2016 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Pennsylvania | #27184Neighbors tree has damaged sidewalk and I have received a notice to repair. Is my neighbor not liable?
When we bought our home the area next to us was vacant. The builder has started to develop the prop for housing development. Our home was the last home built next to his land. His tree has caused alot damage to the side walk. We received a notice to repair this said sidewalk. Why would we pay to have pay for damages done by someone else neglect?
11/26/2016 | Category: Trees | State: Michigan | #27183Can a person who commits Statutory Rape resulting in pregnancy have any parental rights?
My 15 year old daughter had a baby by a 27 year old man does he have parental rights after he get ms out if prison for sexual misconduct with a minor.
11/26/2016 | Category: Criminal » Statutory Rape | State: Indiana | #27177I am 16 and I want to leave my parents and become emancipated. They are both alcoholics and I have to care for myself. Please help me understand how to get away.
I am 16 and I want to leave my parents and become emancipated. They are both alcoholics and I have to care for myself. Please help me understand how to get away.
11/25/2016 | Category: Minors » Emancipation... | State: California | #27173Can I restore my maiden name during a legal separation in California?
My Husband and I are getting a legal separation in California and I want to restore my maiden name. Can I have that done while getting the legal separation?
11/25/2016 | Category: Divorce » Legal Separa... | State: California | #27170I just need to know if Premarital Agreements are valid in California?
I just need to know if Premarital Agreements are valid in California?
11/25/2016 | Category: Husband and ... » Premarital A... | State: California | #27169My Husband is about to recover damages from a personal injury. Am I entitled any portion of the Damages?
My Husband was severely injured in a car accident while he was working. They are about the settle his claim with the insurance company of the other driver. I want to know if I am entitled to part of the money since we are married. I fear he is going to leave me once he gets the money.
11/25/2016 | Category: Husband and ... » Personal Inj... | State: California | #27168