Legal Questions and Answers
Do I have a legal obligation to support my Spouse?
Do I have to pay all expenses to support me and my Spouse from my separate property? She cannot work and contributes no financial support to our marriage.
11/27/2016 | Category: Husband and ... » Marriage | State: California | #27216Neighbor wants me to cut limbs off a 100 year old tree that drops pine needles on his yard.
I have a beautiful 100 year o pine tree in the corner of my yard and it drops a very small amount of pine needles in my neighbors yard who has recently bought the property. He want me to cut any limbs that hang over his property even though they about 40 feet up. Cutting the limbs on his side would make the tree lobsided and therefore dangerous. Am I required to cut my tree?
11/27/2016 | Category: Trees | State: California | #27215Mother left Property to Husband and two Children equally but Husband took 1/2 and more. Please help.
My mother passed and left her estate to be divided three ways. Myself, my brother and her husband. Her husband (the executor) took half, and then divided he other half three ways. This seems wrong. Is it legal? Also, Can I find out her net worth (stock portfolio) in the year or so prior to her passing?
11/27/2016 | Category: Wills and Es... » Spouses | State: California | #27211Can I work without my parents permission at fifteen?
Can I work without my parents permission at fifteen?
11/27/2016 | Category: Employment » Child Labor | State: ALL | #27208Can the mother of an adult child have her name removed from that child's birth certificate?
Can the mother of an adult child have her name removed from that child's birth certificate?
11/27/2016 | Category: Vital Records » Birth Certif... | State: New York | #27207My mom married a man who he thought was a legal birth name, they found out his legal birth name is different
My mom married a man who he thought was a legal birth name, they found out his legal birth name Iisdifferent, so is their marriage legal?
11/27/2016 | Category: Husband and ... » Marriage | State: North Carolina | #27206If a search warrant says to be served during the night season and they serve it at 2 p.m. is it legal?
If a search warrant says to be served during the night season and they serve it at 2 p.m. is it legal?
11/27/2016 | Category: Criminal » Warrants | State: Ohio | #27205My Husband and I decided not to go through a divorce and then he died. His parents are claiming half of his estate. What do I do?
My husband and I decided not to go through with our divorce so we didn't file the papers. A couple of weeks later he passed away. Now his parents want half of his estate. Is this the law?
11/27/2016 | Category: Wills and Es... » Divorce | State: California | #27201How long can you be incarcerated for child support?
How long can you be incarcerated for child support?
11/26/2016 | Category: Divorce » Child Support | State: Missouri | #27193I was left all property owned by a Friend in his Will and don't know what to do.
I am about to go to probate for my best friends estate to try and become executor. He left a will and left me everything. I was told by my lawyers secretary to try and refinance the condo he had left behind. I am new to all of this and I don't understand how I can do that without being name the executor and I am not named on his mortgage. Even though he has left everything h...
11/26/2016 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Virginia | #27192