Legal Questions and Answers
What options do I have to defend myself against a littering charge in South Carolina?
I was driving down the free way, smoking a cigarette, when it burned my finger, and instinctively dropped it. I received a 470.00 fine with a mandatory court date next month. I really don't see the punishment fitting the crime, especially because I didn't mean to drop the butt. Is there anything I can do to Possibly get the fine reduced or possibly duped. This is my first offen...
09/23/2010 | Category: Criminal | State: South Carolina | #23243What options do I have when I cannot make payments on condominium?
I have stopped payment on a condominium at my bank and need to notify the company. I am facing bankruptcy with no means of continuing payment. What else can I do?
09/23/2010 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: Louisiana | #23241How do I get access to grandson's social security number now that I have custody?
I have physical custody of my 4 year old grandson. Parent 1 is incarcerated and parent 2 is on the run. Parent 2 gave me a notarized permission paper for parental control over my grandson. I need to get his social security number to get DHS to help pay his expenses, daycare, medicaid, etc. He has been issued a number I have no access to it without a court document.
09/22/2010 | Category: Minors | State: Iowa | #23237What Are the Consequences if I Delay the Closing on a House Sale?
We recently sold our home and need to be out in 30 days. At the time of signing the contract with the buyer we stated to our realtor that we would need to be flexible on the closing. She agreed, but states we have to be out even though we have not found another place to live. Can we back out on the sale without problems? Can a judge force us to sell, and what can the legal rami...
09/22/2010 | Category: Real Property » Sales | State: Florida | #23234Is a Car Considered a Personal Effect in a Will?
Will of...III give and bequeath my household furniture and furnishings, jewelry, clothing and personal effects to my nephew, Richard Crabtree. Question: Does personal effects cover 2 of the three vehicles owned by the decedent?The third vehicle:IIII give my 1964 Chrysler Imperial Automobile to my nephew, Joseph Crabtree. (pre-deceased the decedents will.)
09/22/2010 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Wisconsin | #23232Does a Medical Release Prevent Liability for Negigence by a Doctor?
My son is having outpatient surgery in a few weeks. The hospital requires me to sign a form entitled 'Consent to Operation, Anesthetics, or other Medical Services.' I am a little concerned about the last paragraph. 'The operation/procedure has been fully explained to me by 'doctor's name' and I understand the consequences that may result from it. As an adult, without reserva...
09/22/2010 | Category: Contracts » Releases | State: Mississippi | #23231Can I Cancel a Website Provider Contract Within Three Days?
I signed up for a new website provider, realized later (next day), this was much more expensive and more expansive that I could afford at this time. I called the company and told the sales person I wanted to cancel because I really couldn't afford it at this time. She did her best to make sure I wanted to go with a less expensive program and not stay with them... I assured h...
09/22/2010 | Category: Contracts » Recission | State: Arizona | #23230How Do I Conduct Case Law Research for New York?
As pro se I am late in filing a complaint under IIED because of ill health (at age 89). How and where can I research case law to support the medical delay as a valid reason.
09/22/2010 | Category: Courts » Pro Se | State: New York | #23229Can Storage Costs be Charged by Someone Who Wrongfully Accepts Delivery of an Item?
A package intended for me was accidentally sent to a UPS Store. The store accepted the package and didn't notify me or the sender for 7 weeks. Now she is refusing to release the package unless is paid an exorbitant fee for storage. I say she has an obligation to return my property that accidentally came into her possession, since she never had any right to accept a package addr...
09/21/2010 | Category: Bailment | State: Colorado | #23228Can an Executor Also be Named as an Heir in a Will?
Can an heir be appointed executor in the same will?
09/21/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Executors an... | State: Texas | #23227