Legal Questions and Answers
What Forms are Used to Finance a House With a Loan From a Friend?
My friend is lending me money to buy a house (20% of the value) . But he wants to secure the loan with a mortgage on the house with him being the first mortgage/lien holder on the house. I'm putting rest of the money. Can you let us know what forms are need to do this. The house title will be on my sons Irrevocable trust. Can you also let us know what documents are for this pur...
09/27/2010 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Promissory N... | State: California | #23266How Much Notice is Needed to Terminate a Month-to-Month Lease in Colorado?
If I have a month to month lease, is a 10-day notice all that is required by Colorado law?
09/27/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Colorado | #23265Can I Use a Subpoena to Get Receipts of Payment to a Contractor in a Warrant in Debt Filing?
In Virginia, I am a sub contractor filing a warrant in debt on a contractor i did work for, My question is, can I subpoena the records of the home owners or the home owners showing that they have paid the contractor for my work?
09/26/2010 | Category: Contractors » Construction... | State: Virginia | #23264How Do I Claim a Tenant's Abandoned Property in Georgia?
I had a renter move out last weekend without a notice and they trashed the house and they left a 10 by 12 out building on the property. I want to know how much time do they have to get the building before it becomes mine?
09/26/2010 | Category: Abandoned Property | State: Georgia | #23262What are a Minor's Rights in New York When Commited to a Mental Ward?
\A boy (15) was (Falsely) taken in to the Psychiatric ER of a Hospital by his mother on the pretense that he is 'Suicidal' after 24-48 hours the Hospital was ready to release him (they didn't find any signs of mental illness) the boy then claimed that 'The mom abused him and he wont go with her, Child services investigated and didn't find any abuse. The boy says 'enough is enou...
09/26/2010 | Category: Mental Health | State: New York | #23259Can I Buy My Elderly Mother's Home Without the Consent of My Siblings?
i would like to buy my elderly mother's home. she is 82 years old. house has been paid for. she is having difficultly paying for upkeep of house. i have two brothers and one sister.
09/26/2010 | Category: Real Property » Sales | State: Rhode Island | #23258Who Inherits the Property if One of the Heirs in a Will is Deceased?
when my grandmother passed away her will read that her two children were to split everything in half . What happens when one of them children being my mother has already passed do my siblings and I get her part of the will
09/25/2010 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: New York | #23257How Does a Federal Employee File a Discrimination Complaint?
I'm a USPS University employee that has received an prejudicial & unfair annual evaluation this week. My supervisor has accused me of several infractions that I have no knowledge of, however the blame has been placed on me anyway. This has all been written on my evaluation deeming me an inept, horrible & untrustworthy employee! Just last year I had a remarkable evaluation. Ano...
09/25/2010 | Category: Employment » Discrimination | State: Florida | #23256Can a Deed be Voided if te Seller has Dementia?
can a quit deed be nulified if the seller has dementia?
09/25/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Mississippi | #23251How can I legally prove that my wired money is legal in the US?
I am an non-US citizen resident. I intend buying a house worth around 500,000 USD here. I just wonder how can I legally prove that my wired money from Vietnam is legal in the USA? What would be the necessary step I need to take?
09/24/2010 | Category: Banking laws | State: Texas | #23246