Legal Questions and Answers
My horse broke out of the fence and was hit by two cars. What am I liable for?
My horse broke thru the fence and got in the road. He got hit by 2 vehicles, the first driver is suing me and the second drivers insurance company paid her but the insurance co. wants me to reimburse them. Who would be a good lawyer in Bennettsville, S.C., and what are my rights as the owner of the horse. I live in North Carolina but my horse was at my boyfriends house at the t...
10/01/2010 | Category: Automobiles » Insurance | State: North Carolina | #23301Can I take my granddaughter, who I have custody of, back from her mother?
Can I take my granddaughter, age five home? She has lived with me for over four years, since July 30th, 2006, and I entered a notarized custody agreement with my daughter Sept. 11, 2006. My granddaughter was snatched by her non custodial mother and her boyfriend in August, 2010, against my will. They also told me if I wanted to see her, I would have to come to Georgia, which I...
10/01/2010 | Category: Child Abuse | State: Georgia | #23299What remedies are available to enforce a verbal agreement to give me a shared mobile home?
My father is 81. He and I (age 49) worked AND lived together for the past 5 yrs. It was brutal. But back to the question. In May 2010 my dad packed up his car, rented a U-haul and drove from Las Vegas NV to Daytona Beach Fla. When he left he told myself and my girlfriend that we could have the mobile home. It is paid for but does sit in a park where you pay monthly rent. He lef...
09/30/2010 | Category: Contracts | State: Nevada | #23298My father died 24 years ago. I was executor and signed for my step mother to become administrator.
My father died 24 years ago. I was executor and signed for my step mother to become administrator. She did not present a marriage license but stated that they were married 6 months earlier. They had just purchased a house & I wanted her to remain there and pay for the home. She said she would give me my half when she sold it or died. 24 years later I have found unclaimed prope...
09/30/2010 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: North Carolina | #23297Is there a time period after which a misdemeanor is dropped from one's record?
My daughter was convicted of 'drunk in public' twice during her teenage years. One conviction was in Virginia at age 17 and the other was in South Carolina at age 20. Now, she is applying for professional jobs. She graduated from a 4 year college in business management. She has recently had a job offer rescinded do to to an extensive background check and the uncovering of t...
09/30/2010 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Virginia | #23296How do I answer a summons for divorce in Virginia?
How do I answer a civil summons for divorce in the proper legal fashion?
09/30/2010 | Category: Divorce | State: Virginia | #23295How do I get an amended birth certificate issued following a court order?
I was able to successfully petition the Mitchell Co. GA court to legitimate my son and was granted an order for the Dept of Vital statistics to amend the child's birth certificate with my name as the father and reisssue the birth certificate. How should I proceed to see that the birth certificate is ammended and reissued?
09/30/2010 | Category: Minors | State: Pennsylvania | #23294How can I rescind a lease of a car that I don't like and was leased without proper disclosures?
I signed a lease 48 hr agos but I don't like the car. I traded in a car and they have not sent the money the owe me back. I went to cancel the lease 12 hours after signed but they did not allow me to do it. Instead they made me sign a new contract and additional forms like arbitrary form and other saying that I spoke English. I did not have to sign this the first time. Can I st...
09/30/2010 | Category: Contracts » Lease Agreem... | State: Illinois | #23293How can county become responsible for maintenance of private road when it has been abandoned?
I live in a private subdivision in Texas. The roads were deeded to the landowners association. The Association dissolved over 20 yrs ago and the roads have not been maintained. The county refuses to maintain the roads since they are private even tho they have been abandoned for over 20 yrs. Any suggestions on how we can get help from the county?
09/29/2010 | Category: Real Property » Private Prop... | State: Texas | #23289When is a Change Significant Enough to Modify a Divorce Decree?
My husband and I are finalizing a modifiable divorce settlement. We both understand that if a significant change such as job loss, serious illness occurs we can go back to court to modify agreement, but is there a limit (% or dollar amount) on the bottom end for what is allowed to be brought to court for modification? in other words could he or I go to court each year for chang...
09/29/2010 | Category: Divorce » Modification | State: Colorado | #23287