Legal Questions and Answers
What if I need legal assistance because if Hurricane Harvey?
What if I need legal assistance? What is House Bill 1774? HB 1774 is a new law passed by the Texas Legislature that went into effect September 1, 2017. What additional legal resources might be available to me?
09/02/2017 | Category: Natural Disasters ... | State: Mississippi | #42414How can I file a complaint against my insurance carrier? Hurricane Harvey.
How can I file a complaint against my insurance carrier? Hurricane Harvey.
09/02/2017 | Category: Natural Disasters ... | State: Texas | #42413What scams should I be aware of when hiring a contractor because of Hurricane Harvey?
What scams and legal issues should I be aware of when hiring a contractor to do remodeling or repair to my home after Hurricane Harvey?
09/02/2017 | Category: Natural Disasters ... | State: Texas | #42412What if I suspect price gouging because of Hurricane Harvey?
What if I suspect price gouging because of Hurricane Harvey? Price gouging or spiking costs of goods, services, or commodities to a much higher level than considered reasonable is illegal, especially during or after a disaster. Contact the Texas Attorney General’s Office to fill out a complaint form.
09/02/2017 | Category: Natural Disasters ... | State: ALL | #42411What if I lost my job because of the hurricane harvey?
What if I lost my job because of the hurricane harvey?
09/02/2017 | Category: Natural Disasters ... | State: ALL | #42410Hurricane Harvey. What if I lost important legal documents in the flood?
What if I lost important legal documents in the Hurricane Harvey flood?
09/02/2017 | Category: Natural Disasters ... | State: Texas | #42409Hurricane Harvey. What steps do I need to follow in order to file a claim with my insurance company?
What steps do I need to follow in order to file a claim with my insurance company due to Hurricane Harvey?
09/02/2017 | Category: Natural Disasters ... | State: Texas | #42408What kind of assistance is available to Hurricane Harvey victims?
What kind of assistance is available from the federal government if I am a resident or business owner who suffered losses during Hurricane Harvey?
09/02/2017 | Category: Natural Disasters ... | State: ALL | #42407How to make a timeshare registration in New Mexico?
I am scheduling to develop a time share in New Mexico. How to go forward with the registration of the project?
08/14/2017 | Category: Real Property » Time Share | State: New Mexico | #42152Can a resident of the mobile home park sell his mobile home in New Jersey?
I am residing in a mobile home, which is in a mobile home park in New Jersey. I want to sell this home. Can I sell the mobile home?
08/14/2017 | Category: Personal Pro... » Mobile homes | State: New Jersey | #42151