Legal Questions and Answers
Do I Owe Early Termination Fees if I'm Evicted?
Hi, I got the seven day notice from the landlord asking us to vacate because of noncompliance with agreement (making a lot of noise). If we move out in 7 days do we have to pay the cancellation fee of early termination? In the lease, it says 'In the event Lessee desires to terminate the lease before the expiration of the lease term, Lessee will pay to Lessor a cancellation fee ...
09/21/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Violat... | State: New Mexico | #23224Does a Judge Have Discretion in Granting an Expungement in Ohio?
Does a judge have any discretion when one applies for expunging of a misdemeanor in the state of Ohio? I plead guilty to a charge in February of this year and was given no fine or probation. I have also paid my restitution in full. The problem now is as I apply for professional positions, I am asked if I have ever been convicted and I have to answer 'yes'. I lost a job this ...
09/21/2010 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Ohio | #23223How Do I Remove a Member of the Board of a Homeowner's Association?
A few weeks ago, there were allegations from two residents that the HOA Board President threatened physical violence towards another homeowner (a woman) and board member. The two witnesses came forward and provided a written statement and met with the entire board, including the President, stating that the President said he wanted to physically harm/hurt another resident and ...
09/21/2010 | Category: Real Property » Homeowner's ... | State: New Jersey | #23222How Do I Keep a Co-Owner's Spouse From Claiming the Property?
I bought a house last year, my sister had qualified to get the Loan at a good interest rate so she's helping me to buy this house and of course her name on the Title and loan mortgage but I'm the one to make payment every month under my name. My question is she's going to get married next month, any paper she can sign or release to my name but I still want her name on the Loan ...
09/20/2010 | Category: Real Property » Joint Tenants | State: Texas | #23220How Do I Make Sure My Children Inherit My Estate Instead of My Husband?
I am in the process of re-financing my home that I owned with my exhusband. I have since remarried and do not want my current husband to be entitled to an inheritance that belongs to my 3 daughters. What form is best to use in this case? I would like the agreement to allow my current husband to live in the house after my death so long as it ultimately ends up as my daughter...
09/20/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Spouses | State: Florida | #23216How Do I Transfer Probation to Another State?
I am trying to find a way to place a young Army Veteran who was wounded in Iraqi Freedom and discharged, and is presently on probation in Arizona. He has no legal family that will help him get his fines paid so he can re-enlist. A couple that he used to live with can get him a good job in Virginia so that he can pay off the fines in Arizona. He has not been able to find a jo...
09/20/2010 | Category: Criminal » Probation | State: Virginia | #23215Should I Have a Contractor Sign a Lien Release or Waiver in Idaho?
As a Idaho homeowner, should I insist that the contractor on a basement renovation sign some sort of lien release waiver before commencing the work, and if so, will it protect my interests against any potential liens made by subcontractors he uses? If so, what form or language should I use?
09/20/2010 | Category: Contractors » Construction... | State: Idaho | #23214How Does a HOA File a Lien on a Unit Owner in Colorado?
Hi, I'm treasurer of an HOA and we have the right to put a lien on homeowners when they do not pay their dues. We have a homeowner who is 2 years delinquent. We would like to put a lien on his home. What steps do we take and what forms do we need? Our assessors office weren't helpful in this matter. Thanks
09/20/2010 | Category: Real Property » Homeowner's ... | State: Colorado | #23213Can a Home Manufacturer Put a Lien on a Home After It Is Sold?
A customer has purchased a modular home which has been erected on their land In South Carolina. They currently have a construction loan and are in the process of closing a permanent loan with a lender. It has came to their attention that the manufacturer has not yet been paid in full for the cost of the home. Can the owner of manufacturing company take possession of the hom...
09/20/2010 | Category: Judgment Liens | State: South Carolina | #23211Does a Partition of Property in Texas Sever the Mineral Rights?
does a partition of the surface sever the minerals? minerals were not to be affected by the partition of the surface.
09/20/2010 | Category: Real Property » Partition | State: Texas | #23210