Legal Questions and Answers
Can a debt collector threaten me with arrest and harass me on the phone?
I recieved a phone call from a collection agency he wanted ss and other personal info but would only give me his name nothing more i still dont have the name of the company as he said he was with the credit union/bureau he refused to give me a phone # or fax and proceeded to threaten me hence 'I AM GOING TO SEND THE AUTHORITIES TO YOUR HOME AND HAVE YOU ARRESTED' after more thr...
09/16/2010 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Fair Debt Co... | State: Texas | #23182If I am not listed as father on birth certificate, what rights do I have?
My ex girlfriend was pregnant and said it was mine to try to get me to leave my current relationship. When I told her I wouldn't get back with her she told me it wasn't mine and shortly after that she got married to who everyone knew was the father of her child. Now, 11 years later, she's telling everyone he's my child and that I abandoned him. I have 2 children with my wife an...
09/16/2010 | Category: Paternity » Birth Certif... | State: Missouri | #23180How do I get a withheld judgment in Idaho for a criminal offense?
What legal form do i need to get my withheld judgement? I did all i was to do by order of the court. Now i need the withheld judgement so i can get job.
09/15/2010 | Category: Criminal » Sentences | State: Idaho | #23175How do I get the title to a used car with handwritten bill of sale?
My son bought a car from his girlfriend's mom. It isn't running, has sat in the parking lot of their apartment for at least 6 months. He has a hand written bill of sale, but the mom never could find the Title. Now he needs to fix it, use it and get a Title. How can he get one, which form should I order for him? The car isn't worth much, he paid $200 for it. Should he try for an...
09/15/2010 | Category: Automobiles | State: Texas | #23173What Does Unclean Hands and Failure to State a Claim Mean?
I filed a dispute in small claims, and his attorney stated his first defense was that I failed to state a claim upon which relief can be granted. Second was Plaintiff has unclean hands. What actions will I need to take to respond in court? I don't know what it means. I filed a small claims court against my ex-fiance. I have receipts for things I paid for with his promise to r...
09/15/2010 | Category: Civil Actions | State: Georgia | #23172How Do I Trasfer a Power of Attorney From My Mother to My Girlfriend?
How do I relinquish my mother as my power of attorney if she lives in Indiana and give the power of attorney to my girlfriend who I have now lived with for over a year?
09/15/2010 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Tennessee | #23171Can My Husband Close Bank Accounts and Change the Board of Directors?
My husband went crazy after the death of his 19 year old daughter. We have an S-Corp and he closed all of our bank accounts and changed the directors of the corp without my knowing. Is this legal? We live in Hawaii.
09/15/2010 | Category: Corporations | State: Hawaii | #23170Does My Ex-Boyfriend Owe Me Support?
My question is in regards to a civil union/common-law marriage/domestic partner. Need to know if I have rights under any of those for what just recently happened to me in my relationship I had with my ex-boyfriend.We had been dating for the past 4 years on and off again. He needed a place to stay and I let him move into my apartment and then his job took him out of town to ano...
09/14/2010 | Category: Cohabitation | State: Colorado | #23167Can Criminal Records be Sealed or Expunged in Missouri?
Is it possible to expunge or seal civil court records in Missouri? I had an order of protection placed against me based on false allegations, and now I'm afraid it's going to follow me around for the rest of my life. The order will expire in a couple of weeks, but it will still remain in employee background searches.
09/14/2010 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Missouri | #23166Can Heirs Be Reimbursed Funds Used To Preserve an Asset of a Deceased?
I've been advised to retrieve a Petition and an Order for Summary Administration - Testate in order to get a one certified order to change the property to my name. The question is there is only the property at hand and my father said it should be divided amongst the five of us with one since being deceased and he has 2 chldren. Is it possible for me to be reimbursed the monie...
09/14/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Disclaimer o... | State: Florida | #23165