Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I File a Lis Pendens in California?
Using your Lis Pendens notice form #CA-5023-KL. I an suiting in Federal court (I have a case #). Where it ask for the defendants, I have 3 defendants. Do I put on all 3 names? Where it ask for 'acton affects' I put the Address? Where 'complaint' ask for, do I use the complaint use on the Federal court complaint (TILA etc.)
08/26/2010 | Category: Forms | State: California | #23020Is There a Penalty if a Trustee Doesn't Follow Trust Instructions?
I have a pritty good sized family Trust from my parents & in it they stipulate that I only receive $3000 per month from it. I am wondering if my sister who is the executor gives me more that that if there would be any reprocussions on eather side, she said she has the obligation to follow the instructions of the Trust & I understand that but is there any penelty for giving me m...
08/26/2010 | Category: Trusts | State: California | #23017Can We Change Employment Terms After an Employee Goes on Disability?
Resident manager receiving salary of $33,280.00 a year PLUS significant discount on her rent. Employee will be on disability due to surgery for 3 months.At what point do we start to charge her full rent if she no longer be working or on disability?
08/25/2010 | Category: Employment » Discrimination | State: California | #23015How Are my Social Security Survivor Benefits Affected if I Remarry?
If I marry after the death of my husband and I am receiving ss from my deceased husband combined with mine,how can I find out how much I would then received? Thank you.
08/25/2010 | Category: Social Security | State: Arizona | #23011Can a Power of Attorney Be Effective if the Principal Dies?
I have a Durable Power of Attorney For Finance for My Brother, that was developed using Legal Zoom. Article II states This Power of Attorney shall become effective upon my disability and shall survive and continue during my disability, incompetence, incapacity, or partial incapacity, etc. Article III states' The successor Agent shall be entitled to act upon the DEATH, disabil...
08/25/2010 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Florida | #23010How Can I Make Sure My Wife Receives Assets in a Bank Account When I Die?
I'm about to open a business account as a sole owner. Does not include my wife, nor can I put her on as a beneficiary to the account.How can I leave this for her, if for nothing more then to just close the account? It is for rental property we both own together, but I manage the business end of it.
08/25/2010 | Category: Wills and Estates | State: Hawaii | #23009Can A Case Be Dismissed if the Other Party Refuses to Answer Questions?
My son received a law suit in April. He is 18. He sent back a note to the lawyer asking several questions which have never been answered. Tomorrow morning there is going to be a hearing where a date will be found to try the case. Do you think I should send something to the court requesting that the case be dismissed as the questions put forward were never answered?
08/25/2010 | Category: Discovery | State: Virginia | #23008Should I Keep My Maiden Name or Hyphenate Both Married and Maiden Names?
I'm getting married and would like to know if it is legal in Illinois to have two last names without hypenation. Also, may I use the last names interchangably? Besides financial items when do I NEED to use my full legal name?
08/25/2010 | Category: Name Change | State: Illinois | #23006What is a Landlord Entitled to If a Tenant Moves Out Early?
I am a landlord and my tenant needs to break his lease due to job relocation? How do I find out what I am entitled to in this case?
08/24/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Illinois | #23004Can My ui Transfer to Another Team if My Soccer Team Disbanded?
Child commits to a particular U 15 team in IWSL, team disbands and a U 19 group formed. Must younger player stay on team or be allowed to move or do transfer rules of IWSL prevent child from competing until January 1 Illinois Law and Illinois women's Soccer Rules apply.
08/24/2010 | Category: Contracts | State: Illinois | #23002