Legal Questions and Answers
How Long Can the State Keep a Child in Custody While Deciding the Case?
how legal is a child in need care case when the court will not being forth the evidence nor charge the parent or return the child?
08/28/2010 | Category: Paternity » Termination ... | State: Kansas | #23038Can I Contest the Probate of My Wife's Estate in Illinois After 4 Years?
my wife died 4 yrs. ago without a will I gave her father power of attorney to settle the estate as I was unable to be in town to settle estate It was my understanding that she owned a third of a family business there was never any mention of this in the probate papers I signed off on her father is in possession of some of my,undeniable, property and is withholding it subject to...
08/28/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Will Contests | State: Illinois | #23036How do I remove my deceased husband's name from the title to our home?
What forms do I need to remove my deceased spouse from the deed to our home which is paid for and add our daughter?
08/27/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Oregon | #23034Who is responsible to maintain an easement and pay for any damage?
Easement to property. In Illinois, who legally is required to maintain the easement? Is it the owner of the property that the easement is on or the property owner that uses the easement? If damages are done to the easement who is required to fix it
08/27/2010 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: Illinois | #23033How can I subpoena my ex-husbands bank records for child support modification?
How do I subpoena my ex-husband's tax and bank records for a modification of child support in Massachusetts?
08/27/2010 | Category: Evidence » Discovery | State: Massachusetts | #23032How do I respond to a lawsuit for credit card debt?
How to respond to Court for a lawsuit filed against me for breach of contract with a credit card company?
08/27/2010 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Credit Cards | State: Florida | #23031How do you define 'Significant Other' regarding to residential occupancy rights in Florida?
Is there a legal definition of 'Significant Other' pertaining to residential occupancy rights in Florida?
08/27/2010 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Florida | #23027How Do I Revoke an Acknowledgement of Paternity in Illinois?
my husband is locked up and we want to get DNA done on a child that is 10 mo old he signed the aknowledgment of paternity at the hospital but is now having doubts..the courts said i have to get the legal papers and 100$ to start the process through the courts where can i get them papers so we can get the ball rolling
08/26/2010 | Category: Paternity » Acknowledgment | State: Illinois | #23026Do All Heirs Need to Consent to the Distribution of Property in a Deceased's Estate?
I am the Executor and one of the beneficiaries out of 5 beneficiaries. My lawyer has given the go ahead for one of the beneficiaries to take the family home as her disbursement and the other 4 will take the savings acct. The value of both is close to equal.Do I have to have all agree to this or do I have any recourse to move this proposal through as there are two beneficiaries...
08/26/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Georgia | #23025How Do I Take Over as Power of Attorney for My Father?
My father is in a vegetative state. My brother has power of attorney but is does not live in the united states- canada, and travels so much that he cannot be located. I am the daughter of the patient and would like the power of attorney given to me.. What needs to be done
08/26/2010 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Pennsylvania | #23021