Legal Questions and Answers
Do I Need to File for Emancipation for a Grant if the Child is 21?
My son is 21 and needs to file for emancipation in order to get federal grant for college.
08/24/2010 | Category: Education | State: Illinois | #23000How Do I Get Records Expunged in Iowa?
I am facing OWI 2nd (0.12 alc. content) with deferred judgment on controlled substance (marijuana 1 gram) in Scott County, Iowa. My pretrial is first thing tomorrow morning. When can the possession be expunged? How? Cost? If I choose to go to trial and lose, what is the likelihood the judge would defer judgment on the possession? If he doesn't, could it ever be expunged? How?
08/24/2010 | Category: Criminal » Expungement ... | State: Iowa | #22999Should I Agree to a Repayment Plan for a Student Loan?
Ten years ago I co signed on a student loan. The loan officer is taking me to court on a civil judgement. Since then the owner of the loan has come forward and set up a payment plan to pay off the loan. But the loan officer still wants me to sign a paper stating that I will also make payments to this account or he will still file a civil judgement against me. Do I sign? I am...
08/24/2010 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: Texas | #22998What is the Time Period for Adverse Possession in Texas?
I am a real estate broker in Texas and was representing a buyer in a FSBO sale. The sellers did not tell us about a post for the bottom of their porch decking on a coastal home when built was on neighbors property about 1'. This was built back around 2003 and now that my buyer has bought the property and asked the neighbor to stop using his driveway to access the neighbors pro...
08/24/2010 | Category: Real Property » Adverse Poss... | State: Texas | #22995Can Offensive Music Be Played on the Job if it Offends Other Employees?
Has any body right to disturb other people in working place playing RAP,Vulgar or any other kind of music?
08/24/2010 | Category: Employment | State: New York | #22993Can I Settle With the Creditor After They Get a Default Judgment Against Me?
I have just received a copy of a request for default and request for default judgement filed with the local district court against me for credit card debt in the amount of $7000.00. I am unemployed and have depleted my savings. What can I expect to happen now. Should I call the Law Firm that represents the Credit Card company to see if I can workout a settlement? I really have ...
08/23/2010 | Category: Debts and Credit | State: Massachusetts | #22991How Do I Prevent Squatter's Rights in Texas?
Would like to rent space for trailer but need protection from later squatters petition. What form to use get pre-signed?
08/23/2010 | Category: Real Property » Adverse Poss... | State: Texas | #22984How Do We Share My Mother's House if She Died Without a Will in Texas?
My mother passed and have a section of land, also a new house was built on the land but she passed before it was finished being built. She did not have a will. She have 3 children in all. My brother moved in the house and do not want to pay us for the property. What have to happen in order to settle this? He should pay my sister and I if he wants it. He just moved in a couple o...
08/22/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Texas | #22981Whose Name Goes on the Bank Account We Are Putting Into a Trust?
We purchased a Special Needs Trust (US-00646). We are setting up a bank account for the beneficiary and need to know if the account is set up in the Beneficiaries name or the Trustee's name. The trustee will be the only person able to access the account. Home phone 302.653.0276
08/22/2010 | Category: Trusts | State: Delaware | #22980What Will Happen if I Resign as My Mother's Agent in a Power of Attorney?
I have a Durable Power of Attorney for my mother. She has been declared incompetent since granting me power of attorney. She did not name a successor. What would happen if I reliquished my Power of Attorney at this point?
08/21/2010 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: California | #22976