Legal Questions and Answers
Can Cameras be used to Document Discipline Problems at School?
May teachers in Texas photograph students to document disciplinary issues?
08/30/2010 | Category: Education | State: Texas | #23056Who Can A Proeprty Manager Pay a Referral Fee to in Oregon?
who can I pay a refferal fee to, as a licensed property manager?
08/30/2010 | Category: Real Property » Sales | State: Oregon | #23055Can I I File A Complaint With a Motion for Leave to File?
Need to know what form to file a complaint under emotional injury, IIED, Intentional infliction of emotional distress. The general time limit to file is one year, but I have missed that time limit. Do I need to file first an application for permission to file, and await the court's decision on the application, or do I attach the permission to file along with the complaint?
08/30/2010 | Category: Civil Actions | State: New York | #23053How DO I Change the Father's Name on a Birth Certificate in Massachusetts?
The mother and father were never married but have a child who DOES have the biological father's last name. However, the mother was married at the time of conception and her husbands name is listed on the child's birth certificate. The husband has never been a part of the child's life. The biological father does offer support financially (not court ordered)How does the biologica...
08/30/2010 | Category: Paternity » Birth Certif... | State: Massachusetts | #23051Can I Be Put Out of My Home if My Wife Dies and I'm Not on the Deed?
my wife of 5 years was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and was given 6 months to one year to live. my question is my stepdaughter and my wife are the only names on my wife's home deed. can my stepdaughter have me removed from the home when and if my wife passes away?
08/30/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Oklahoma | #23049What is the Difference Between a Trustee's Deed and a Warranty Deed?
what are the adverse effects of taking a trustee deed in lieu of a warranty deed in purchase of a condo in minnesota
08/29/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Minnesota | #23048Does a Restraining Order Follow Me if I Move to Another State?
I live in NJ and was awarded a final restraining in 2004. I am now considering moving to PA. Will the restraining order and support provisions contained in the order remain in affect if I move to PA?
08/29/2010 | Category: Restraining Order | State: New Jersey | #23047Does an Heir Need a Deed to Inherit Property?
Does an heir need a deed to land described in a will?
08/29/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Executor Deeds | State: Illinois | #23046I am moving to the Philippines in December. ill it change my tax liability if I create a US corporation vs. don't create a US corporation?
I am moving to the Philippines in December. I plan to start a corporation in the Philippines, for which I have a Filipino lawyer. The corporation will be a technical writing outsourcing company - I will hire writers there to do work for client companies in the USA. I will be back in the USA several times a year to facilitate this. The question is, do I need to also incorporate ...
08/28/2010 | Category: Taxes | State: California | #23044How Do I Set Up an Arbitration Hearing in New Jersey?
How do I set up an arbitration hearing in New Jersey? (extended car warranty issue)
08/28/2010 | Category: Arbitration and Me... | State: South Carolina | #23039