Legal Questions and Answers
Who do the items inside the home I bought belong to?
I purchased a house in tax sale; the house is unoccupied, with no electricity, and surrounded by fence; two months later, the ex-owner requested to take some valuable items from the house. Who do the items inside the house belong to? Please point out the sections in the law books. What is the proper course of action?
09/03/2010 | Category: Real Property | State: California | #23088Does person (agent) holding 'power of attorney' assume any liablity or responsibility for outstanding liabilities of the 'ma...
Does person (agent) holding 'power of attorney' assume any liablity or responsibility for outstanding liabilities of the 'maker/principal' after all assets and real estate of principal real estate are properly disposed of/sold by the 'agent'?
09/02/2010 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Alabama | #23087Does the Landlord Have to Deduct Rent From a New Tenant from Rent I Owe?
if i break my lease and the landlord immediatly rented can she sue me for the remaining rent on my lease?
09/02/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Termin... | State: Pennsylvania | #23086Can a Purchase and Own a Non-Firing Replica Gun That I Bought on the Internet?
Is it legal in the U.S. and in N.J. to purchase on the internet and own a non firing replica gun?
09/02/2010 | Category: Weapons | State: New Jersey | #23085Can a Subcontractor in New York File a Lien After Full Payment to the Contractor?
Can a home owner be held responsible (a lien placed on the property) by a subcontractor who was not fully paid by a contractor/architect? The owner fully paid contractor/architect according to written contract, and there was no separate contract between the owner and subcontractor.
09/01/2010 | Category: Contractors » Construction... | State: New York | #23081Can Shares of a Corporation be Attached?
If I have a form 1.977(Fact Information Sheet) and I have an airplane in a Delaware Corporation do I have to report it? I am in the state of FL. I also need to know if they can attach the shares of the corporation.
09/01/2010 | Category: Judgment Liens | State: Florida | #23078Is it Illegal for a Husband to Threaten a Wife With Sodomy?
My, hopefully soon to be ex husband, often threatened me with sodomy. Is that illegal in GA?
09/01/2010 | Category: Criminal » Sex Offfender | State: Georgia | #23076Can my Club Membership Be Cancelled Because I Promoted Another Club?
I am a member at a golf club and I emailed from my personal email a few other members of the golf club to tell them about a special that another competing club was offering if we could get a group to join. That email ended up in the wrong hands and was blasted all over the entire membership of the club and now the club has terminated my membership. I have been a dues paying m...
09/01/2010 | Category: Contracts | State: Texas | #23075How Do I Get Rid of Roommate’s Abandoned Property in New Mexico?
My roommate decided to take off with two months remaining on our lease. Her name and mine are both on the lease. She moved back to Connecticut and she left me with a bunch of furniture that she kept promising to get rid of. It's been three months and I gave her several deadlines to come get it or let me get rid of it. She refused both, what can I do?
09/01/2010 | Category: Abandoned Property | State: New Mexico | #23073How Can a Wife Keep Property at Death if the Husband Has No Will?
My Grandmother has a power of attorney over my Grandfather and she was wanting to know if this will still be in effect even after the death of him? If not he has children that would try to get everything that they could. If him and her wanted everything to go to her after his deaath what would they need to do or is this possible. Also he has alzheimers and I dont think that a w...
08/31/2010 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: South Carolina | #23072