Legal Questions and Answers
Can One Spouse Remove the Other From a Joint Bank Account Without Consent?
does a bank C.D. in husband and wife name require both signatures to alter ownership to one party?
09/12/2010 | Category: Banking laws | State: New Mexico | #23148How Do I Fill to Forms to Get Letters of Administration?
I am attempting to assist a woman who received a quit claim deed from her father before he died for the home he owned. Since then she has applied for a modification on the loan but Wells Fargo will not proceed until she has letters of administration. I have obtained the forms from Martinez Superior court as she does not have funds to hire an attorney. The forms seem daunting ...
09/10/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: California | #23141Do I Have to Pay for Hotel Expenses While the Tenant's Apartment is Being Repaired?
Our tenant informed us of issues with the wood flooring buckling so after investigating, we found out we needed to replace the floors. We began the work during our tenant's vacation so as to not disrupt his tenancy. However, upon returning from vacation, he let us know he is getting knee surgery and would like us to postpone the staining of the wood to 9/20/10. Unfortunately...
09/10/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Repairs | State: Illinois | #23140Can a Neighbor Block an Easement?
I bought my property 25 years ago and to get to the property I have access through an easement, about 50 feet. The easement is shared by Green township and the joining farm. The township has had ownership for longer than I've lived here and the farm has been owned for 13 years. Due to a civil dispute the farmer has blocked this easement including what the township owns. The tow...
09/10/2010 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: Ohio | #23139Is Oue SBA Disaster Loan Assumable?
We Have a SBA diaster loan on our house and were told that it was assumable if we want to sell. Now they say it is not and would like to know.
09/10/2010 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Lending | State: Minnesota | #23138What remedies are available if a builder refuses to comply with protective or restrictive covenants?
There is a new builder in our neighborhood who is not following the protective covenants and subsequently decreasing the value of our existing homes. Do we have recourse? Can we require him to follow the existing covenants legally?
09/10/2010 | Category: Real Property » Homeowner's ... | State: North Carolina | #23136Can I expunge records of underage drinking offenses in Minnesota?
What is the penalty for third under age drinking offense in Stearns County Minnesota? Is there a way to get priors expunged?
09/10/2010 | Category: Criminal » Minors | State: Minnesota | #23135If my husband fathers a child with another woman, how would our property be split?
What if my husband strays and he impregnates another woman. Do I lose my home to him and his child and the woman as I do not have children?
09/09/2010 | Category: Divorce » Property Set... | State: New York | #23131Can a Marital Trust Be Terminated in the Assets Lose Value?
i am the suriving spouse of a marital trust ,after the death of my husband do too the financale mealt down i have lost over half of our assets ,i paid out a specil request of money to his beneficaries amounting to $200,000 ,the income of a promissory note now worth nothing because the company went broke my life style as i once new is over i want to know if the marital trust c...
09/09/2010 | Category: Trusts | State: California | #23128Am I Eligible for My Ex-Husband's Social Security Benefits if He Remarried?
hi i am divorced woman age 53 my ex husband remarried but then passed away 7 yr later after remarrying. his new wife collects from his state pension,but i was told of recent that i may be eligible to his social security benefits. is this true?
09/09/2010 | Category: Social Security | State: Massachusetts | #23124