Legal Questions and Answers
Does a Foreign Corporation Need to be Dissolved in California?
If we reside in Ca and created a LLC in Delaware but also registered in the State of CA - do I need to dissolve the LLC in two States, and if one LLC is a subsidiary of the other LLC - do I need to do a dissolution package for each?
09/08/2010 | Category: Corporations » Corporate Di... | State: California | #23122Is a Father's Consent Required to Change a Child's Name in Texas?
My son is 14 years old and is a second generation, named after his father. In the past year my son has decided that he has wanted to severe all ties with his father. He has refused to visit, speak on the phone, or make any contact with him due to his excessive verbal abuse and past physical abuse. In addition to this, my son is begging me to help him change his name. He fee...
09/08/2010 | Category: Name Change | State: Texas | #23120Can a Tenant Deduct Repairs from Rent in Wisconsin?
In a commercial lease can the tenant (me) withhold rent for repairs that have not been made by the landlord? He has been notified numerous times - in person, in writing and in telephone conversations. I am a small bakery and there is a water leak in the rear entrance area to my store along with mold / mildew growing on carpet and walls.
09/08/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Repairs | State: Wisconsin | #23119If the Home Buyer Has a Judgment Against Him Will it Affect Me With Seller Financing?
I am selling my home and carrying the loan. The buyer has a judgement against them. Will this affect me in any way if they default on the loan?
09/08/2010 | Category: Judgment Liens | State: Arizona | #23117How Do You Quash a Subpoena?
How do you file a motion to quash a subpoena and what forms are needed?
09/07/2010 | Category: Civil Actions » Summons | State: Texas | #23116Can Attorney Fees Be Awarded in Colorado?
I have filed and won a lawsuit against a company in Colorado. The company is filing an appeal and I have asked my lawyer to file a cross appeal to add in cost of attorneys fees. I am told this can not be done because it was not stipulated in the contract the company violated or is against Colorado law. Any advice?
09/07/2010 | Category: Judgments | State: Colorado | #23115How Do I Adopt a Stepchild in Kentucky?
My husband has a 5 year old daughter which he has full cusotdy of. I would like to adopt her. The biological mother is willing to give up rights. We live in KY and the court case as well as the divorce was in Oklahoma. What forms do I need?
09/07/2010 | Category: Adoption | State: Kentucky | #23114How Do I Get Unpaid Rent for an Abandoned Mobile Home in Georgia?
What are the legal procedures for foreclosing on an abandoned mobile home for past due lot rent in Georgia?
09/07/2010 | Category: Abandoned Property | State: Georgia | #23111Does a Teacher in Texas have to Participate in Social Security?
Have daughter teacher in Houstton TX school systemnot covered under SS. Heard recent mandatory decision that new teachers entering system must be covered? Is there an opportunity for coverage for daughter....needs 18quarters
09/07/2010 | Category: Social Security | State: Massachusetts | #23110What Does Judgment Proof Mean?
What would qualify a person as judgment proof?
09/06/2010 | Category: Judgments | State: California | #23107