Legal Questions and Answers
Can I Give a Life Estate to a Child to Protect Assets from Medicaid Recovery?
I am trying to preserve my real property from Medicaid's estate recovery act taking my only asset. I wanted to know if an irrevocable life estate interest for me to continue living in my home until death, then the remainder beneficiary to my adult disabled daughter could work. And, if this deed could accomplish the goal, what are the tax consequences of such. Also, is it possib...
09/05/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: California | #23106How Do I Establish Paternity in Arizona?
The person who is on my son's birth certificate and who signed Acknowledgment of Paternity is not my son's biological father but I have already requested and received a copy of the paperwork that was signed when my son was born. My son was born in 2000. He did a paternity test on my son in 2008 from a company he found online and although I've seen it once, he refuses to give ...
09/05/2010 | Category: Paternity » Court Action | State: Arizona | #23105Can My Coworker Tell Another I'm Crazy?
I walked upon a fellow worker telling other employees some I know and some I did not know that I was crazy and she looked around into my face. Do I have a slander case? I am in a profession where I am responsible for sick people. I was surprised she would say such a thing.
09/05/2010 | Category: Civil Actions » Defamation | State: Texas | #23104How Do I Defend a Claim of Breach of Fiduciary Duty?
How can I defend myself against a breach of fiduciary duty when the trust was set up for the benefit of my brother for the sole purpose of allowing him to receive inheritance without losing the ability to collect social security disability funds. He has Parkinson's disease but is in no way mentally handicapped and would tell me who to make the check out to and for how much. I...
09/04/2010 | Category: Fiduciary Duty | State: California | #23102What is the Right of Redemption in Foreclosure in Indiana?
We are thinkings about buying a house that is going to be up for tax sale but we heard that the owner has 1 year to make good on the back taxes if the person pays the bidder the amount the bidder has paid on the house and the taxes is this right?
09/04/2010 | Category: Real Property » Foreclosure | State: Indiana | #23101Can My Retirement IRA Be Attached to Pay a Judgment?
I was involved in a collision with a bicyclist over a year ago and now am getting info from the DMV saying a personal injury attorney is making inquiries. The police report states it was the bicyclist's fault and he violated at least 2 sections of the vehicle code, but the insurance company says I still might be found partially liable. I'm about to retire any my retirement acco...
09/04/2010 | Category: Judgment Liens | State: California | #23100How Do I Control How Joint Property Passes to Children When I Die?
Hi, I own a home in Florida in my name only. I plan to get married to a veteran and if I put the property in both of our names titled Tenants by the Entirety, we are completely exempt from paying property taxes. The problem is, we both have children from other marriages. My home has sentimental value and all my children were raised there. In addition, I have always planned and ...
09/04/2010 | Category: Real Property » Joint Tenants | State: Florida | #23099Can a Landlord Collect Rent from Me After Renting It to a New Tenant?
Can the landlord try to recover rent from a tentant who has broken his lease if the landlord is renting the unit to another person can you charge rent twice for the same unit?
09/03/2010 | Category: Landlord Tenant | State: Pennsylvania | #23097Can a Stepchild Be Adopted in the Biological Parent is Absent?
If a parent does not show interest in a child, how can a step-parent be given the parental rights?
09/03/2010 | Category: Adoption | State: Texas | #23096What Are the Laws on Verbal Abuse?
What are the laws against verbal abuse?
09/03/2010 | Category: Criminal » Harassment | State: Georgia | #23093