Legal Questions and Answers
Does an easement given previously become my responsibility or can I terminate it?
I'm buying a piece of property that has an existing waterline spur from a private, small community well running through it to a neighboring parcel. There is an ambiguous easement recorded by prior owners of both parcels that simply states an easement is granted. There are no other specifics regarding location, area, terms, etc. There is a letter on file dated two years after...
07/23/2010 | Category: Real Property » Easements | State: Washington | #22728Should I Have Two Powers of Attorney if the Agent Lives in Another State?
I am trying to support my parents and their needs for the correct legal documents. They are legally Florida residents but essentially live in Connecticut half the year. Two questions: 1.) Would durable power of attorney in Florida require me (live in CT) to be present to make any decisions on my parents behalf? 2.) Living in two locations, would it require separate POA's for...
07/22/2010 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Connecticut | #22725Can I Terminate my Lease Early Due to Mold and Insect Infestation?
The basement of my rental house keep flooding, and now I am crawling with insects. Landlord finally had an exterminator spray, and now the bugs are worse then ever, crawling out of the air vents, running up walls, etc. There is no termination clause in my lease contract which expires on December 31st. I am sure that there is mold in the house because of the constant basement ...
07/22/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Violat... | State: New Jersey | #22724What is the Definition of Consequential Damages?
I am a Corporate Sales Executive with Brown & Brown and my client is wanting information regarding consequential damages on their General Liability and Excess policies.
07/21/2010 | Category: Damages | State: Louisiana | #22720Can I Leave My Home in Trust to the Trustee?
I have a Living Trust. I want to add to it stating in case of my death, my partner will continue to live in the house listed in the trust. If she is the trustee of the trust do I need additional documentation?
07/21/2010 | Category: Trusts | State: California | #22719Do I Have to Honor a Lease on Property I Inherited?
My late father leased his Hawaii property for 10 years with 2 10 year options to someone. I inherited part of the property. I want to be able to decide to lease the property to someone else and not be tied up with the current lease and two 10 year options to the current leasers. Since he has died are the Hawaii lease and lease options still valid?
07/21/2010 | Category: Contracts | State: California | #22716Can My Child Decide Visitation When She is 16?
My daughter will be 16 years of age January 2011. My divorce decree states that myself and my ex have joint legal custody of our daughter, and that I am the primary custodial parent in accordance with the parenting plan signed by both of us. At this time, my ex sees my daughter about every other weekend, since we live about 150 miles away from each other, and we do not adhere t...
07/20/2010 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Arizona | #22715Can I Change My Wife's Children's Names Without Adopting Them?
I married a woman from the Philippines, with her 2 children. Ages: 12 & 10. They Have resided at present address since their arrival. Children attend local school and church. All 3 have Green Cards and Social Security Numbers. The childrens (Paternal) Father from the Philippines is deceased, since 2001. We have all documents and papers ; Births, K-1&2 visa papers, school record...
07/20/2010 | Category: Name Change | State: Florida | #22713How Can I Get Custody if the Father is Molesting the Child?
I live in PA. My granddaughter is visiting from FL & just informed me she is being sexually abused by her father (whom she lives with)(her mother lives here in PA. She does not want to go back to FL. She is 14 & consulted an attorney in FL & was told she would probably be taken from the home & placed in foster care & not allowed to leave the state until age 18. We are all for h...
07/20/2010 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Pennsylvania | #22712What Are My Chances of Getting Custody if My Ex Filed Bankruptcy?
I have adopted one son and my ex found out she couldn't adopt our other son due to Filing Chapter 13, and now I will also be adopting him. She wants legal rights to the kids. I will give her equal time and mutual decision making, but I want to maintain Legal Custodian and Residential Custodian for both. Do I have a good chance with this?
07/20/2010 | Category: Divorce » Child Custody | State: Ohio | #22710