Legal Questions and Answers
Can A Person have Two Health Care Powers of Attorney?
Can a person have 2 durable power of atty for health? If so, is, or will one, be able to supersede the other one's interpretation of the final wishes in determining the course of medical treatment. Or could one carry the weight of the final medical wishes to trump the other's status? I'm confused. There must be more than one way to handle this eroding family issue, without pl...
07/28/2010 | Category: Power of Att... » Advanced Hea... | State: Michigan | #22763Can Others Monitor an Adult Without His or Her Knowledge?
Is it legal for family members, church authorities or coworkers to monitor another adult in their home , in their vehicle, on their home communication or at their workplace without just cause? If so, what gives them the legal right? Thirdly, if something gives them that right - is the person being monitored ever alerted - can they go to the courthouse & find out why ?
07/27/2010 | Category: Privacy | State: Iowa | #22762What is My Responsibility for My Tree Roots Causing Damage to My Neighbor's Property?
My neighbor called me yesterday to inform me that the roots of a tree in my yard had lifted & cracked her patio slab. This morning I had our tree company inspect it and they will be removing the tree tomorrow. My neibhbor has already cut out the offending roots (some of which were at least 2' in diameter). My neighbor now wants me to pay to have her patio slab re-done. (In a...
07/27/2010 | Category: Trees | State: California | #22759Can A Spouse Sell a Community Property Business Without the Other Spouse's Consent?
Can a sole proprietor where the business is community property give half away secretly and let the other people form a incorporation and change the name?
07/27/2010 | Category: Corporations | State: California | #22758How Do I Assign Liability for an Event to My Company?
I run an event production company (an LLC) that is renting a residential property and holding a concert there. I am looking to add something to our rental agreement that will ensure that our company is 100% liable for any legal procedings during the rental period.
07/27/2010 | Category: Contracts » Indemnity | State: Vermont | #22756Can I Stop My Neighbor from Installing a Geothermal Syatem Next to My Property?
My neighbor is planning to drill three deep-wells for a geothermal system. His wells will be located within 30 ft of my building. The rig will be a 60,0000 lb T3 rotary drill with hammer action. According to drill contractors, flying debris from this type of rig can be expected at 25-35 ft from the rig. We live in a townhouse community in VA, and my neighbor and I are in adjace...
07/27/2010 | Category: Nuisance | State: Virginia | #22752How Does a Contractor Avoid Liability for Work Not Done to Specifications?
What kind of form do we need as a contractor if we want a customer to sign , so we are not held responsible if the conditions are not to are specifications?
07/26/2010 | Category: Contracts » Releases | State: Wisconsin | #22751Can We Make a Private Agreement to Divide Property in a Divorce in Pennsylvania?
I am going through a divorce and we have not gone through equitable distribution process yet. I would like my husband to buy me out of a time share we bought while married and have agreed on an amount. How can we write this transaction up on our own and have it hold up in court.
07/26/2010 | Category: Divorce » Property Set... | State: Pennsylvania | #22749Can I Sue a Doctor For Repeating a Statement to My Father?
I called to speak to my dying father's DR. about the possibility that he may have been poisoned over a period of time and I was concerned it was or could be his spouse. I made it clear to the receptionist that this was to remain confidential and that I simply wanted to talk to the DR about it.I told her if He determined there was no way I would have dropped my suspicions. Anywa...
07/26/2010 | Category: Evidence » Privileges | State: Indiana | #22746What Can I Do if My Union Does Act on My Claim?
my question is what is the legal claim/or grounds/statutory on a labor union neglect on representation on a false accusations,wrongful termination,defamation/libel, these accusations and termination where done to one of her/union member by the employer. The union din''t do anything to defend its union member.Employee is now suing the union. Plaintiff needs to instate a claim.
07/26/2010 | Category: Unions | State: New York | #22745