Legal Questions and Answers
Can I Ignore a Notice of Debt for Medicaid Payments to My Deceased Parent?
My mother recently passed away and I received a letter fro the state of Iowa stating that Medicaid was looking to be reimbursed $ from her assets. What is my responsibility and what would the ramifications of ignoring this be? My mother in law lived in IA.
07/29/2010 | Category: Medicaid | State: Iowa | #22783What are the Legal Obligations of a Family Member to Report Sexual Abuse of a Minor?
My question concerns the law in Iowa, not Ohio. What legal obligations, if any, do I have regarding a family situation where my step-father molested my sister for 5-6 years beginning when she was 10 yrs old? She is now 30, married with children. Specific details have just come to light. He is currently a foster parent and has been for more than 5 years. We have no knowledg...
07/29/2010 | Category: Criminal » child molest... | State: Ohio | #22780What is the Statute of Limitations for Prescription Fraud in Utah?
What is the statute of limitations for prescription fraud in the state of Utah, Salt Lake County?
07/29/2010 | Category: Criminal » Statute of L... | State: Utah | #22778Can Putting a Website on the Internet Create Personal Jurisdiction in Every State?
In a copyright infringement case: 3 defendants; 2 in Illinois; 1 in Texas. All 3 were in Illinois at the time of the infringement. The defendants created A website to sell Greeting Cards. The copyright owner of the artwork for the greeting cards lives in California where he filed suit for infringement. The website remained up for four (4) years before it was discovered by the ...
07/28/2010 | Category: Civil Actions » Jurisdiction | State: California | #22776What is a Union's Duty to Procress a Grievance?
labor organizations,who may bargain collectively with the employer on the employees behalf seeking to modify wages or working conditions-my question is name the working conditions.employees covered by the N.L.R.A. are protected from employer and Union discrimination,also known as unfair labor practices. explain them all.The Union may refuse to file or process a grievance for an...
07/28/2010 | Category: Unions | State: New York | #22775What Type of Lawyer Handles Easement and Road Maintenance Matters?
I am considering locating an attorney regarding matters pertaining to a non-profit homeowner's association formed for a private road that my home is located on along with a beach right-of-way that is permitted when i purchased my home. Can you kindly advise me as to the type of lawyer that would be most knowledgeable in this area. From what I have check into so far, it appear...
07/28/2010 | Category: Courts » Attorneys | State: New York | #22774What Can I Do About a Stepparent Assaulting Me and Violating a Parenting Order?
I was assaulted by my son's stepfather when going to pick him up for parenting time. The prosecutor has the charges but hasn't taken action in months. What can I do to see that some action is taken and this doesn't happen again?
07/28/2010 | Category: Restraining Order | State: Indiana | #22771How Do I Sue a Property Manager in Another State for Rent Proceeds Withheld?
What legal action can we take against a property manager who has failed to turn over rental income? We own a condo in Maui which is a vacation rental. Our property manager has basically been spending the rental money he takes in. He owes us over $11,000 as we have not received any money from him since March. We have gotten all kinds of excuses as to why he can't pay us. Now he...
07/28/2010 | Category: Contracts » Breach of Co... | State: California | #22770Does a Trustee in Bankruptcy Need to Approve a Settlement of a Lawsuit?
This is a follow-up question to the question I previously asked and is based on the answer you provided. Since I cannot cancel the BK for my corporation I have the following question: Will I have any input on whether or not to accept the settlement offer from the defendent or is that strictly the Trustee's and my attorney's (who were hired by the Trustee) sole decision. I wa...
07/28/2010 | Category: Bankruptcy | State: California | #22769How Do I Know if a Contract is Binding or Not?
Hello, Recently an agent from a construction company showed up at our door and told me that due to the recent hail damage in our area we might be eligible to change our roof and siding and home insurance would pay for it. He had me sign a paper that would allow him to represent me to contact my insurance company. I asked him if what I am signing was a binding contract. He sa...
07/28/2010 | Category: Contracts » Recission | State: Virginia | #22766