Legal Questions and Answers
Do I Need to Register a Jamaican Marriage in Georgia?
If two U.S citizens get married Jamaica, is it automatically 'put on file' in the state of Georgia. Or do we have to apply for a Georgia marriage license to make it legal or recognized?
08/03/2010 | Category: Marriage | State: Georgia | #22816What Can I Do About A Tax Relief Company that Failed to Act as Promised?
I retained Power Tax Relief to assist me in dealing with several overdue taxes with the IRS and state of Virginia. They have not been responsive and I believe they have caused me irreperable damage with the IRS. They have been extremely negligent and I don't believe that they are dealing with the IRS on our behalf. We are forbidden to contact the IRS by the terms of our agreeme...
08/03/2010 | Category: Debts and Cr... » Credit Repair | State: District Of Columbia | #22815Do I Need to Give a Buyer's Agent a Commission if I Find a Home Without Her?
I signed an 'Exclusive' contract with a realtor as a buyer. My friend then offered to sell me her home. I told my realtor, he did not refer to the contract or any subsequent commission that would still be owed, so I went ahead with the purchase on my own. Absolutely no help from the realtor, no other realtor was involved. The sale was between two friends. Now that realtor wa...
08/02/2010 | Category: Real Property » Sales | State: Utah | #22814Can My Neighbor Block Use of My Easement By Parking His Vehicle?
I have a 25' easement across my neighbors property which is recorded in our titles. There is a 12' asphalt driveway which serves our house and another neighbor and the roadway is cut into a hill with dirt shoulders on both sides. My neighbor is parking a large RV on the shoulder of the road and we have asked him to move it which he is refusing to do. What are my legal rights...
08/02/2010 | Category: Real Property » Encroachment | State: California | #22813How Can We Get Title to Abandoned Property in Ohio?
Through a Sheriff Sale, we acquired land and a dwelling. On the property are two titled boats, + misc. items of value in the house. What are the steps we need to take to get legal title of the boats and how long till dispose of the stuff in the dwelling. We want to 'flip this house' is our goal?
08/02/2010 | Category: Abandoned Property | State: Ohio | #22809Am I Liable for Hitting a Dog that Ran Out in the Street in North Dakota?
I recently hit a dog on a paved county road. I was turning a corner not going very fast as I drive a big SUV anyway the dog came running out at me and before I knew it the dog was under my vehicle. The dog owner is saying I have to pay for the dog bills. There may be damage to my SUV as well. The dog was not tied up and was very aggressive as it was charging at me. Am I liable ...
08/01/2010 | Category: Animals | State: North Dakota | #22808How Does Medicaid Recovery From an Estate in New York Work?
My Mother and I shared a joint savings account for years, then when she went to a nursing home in February of 2010 I also became her payee for her Soc.Sec. retirement income which was automatically deposited in her checking account. After her death on 7/7/2010 medicaid stated that they are going to claim all her assets in both accounts (7500.00). What recourse do I have?
08/01/2010 | Category: Medicaid | State: New York | #22807What Can Happen to a Nurse Who Sleeps on the Job?
What are the legal ramifications of a nurse caught sleeping on the job?
08/01/2010 | Category: Employment | State: Louisiana | #22806How Long Must I Keep Property Left by a Tenant in Texas?
My daughters roommate left all of his things in the house and I was wanting to know how long must I keep it before i can legally remove from the property? It has been here five months now.
07/31/2010 | Category: Abandoned Property | State: Texas | #22805How Do I Appeal a Discovery Ruling in a Divorce?
State of Colorado, Domestic Relations, Parental-Decision making. Have been ongoing litigation per Motion to Modify from Joint Parenting to Sole-Decision maker. I am Petitioner (father), mother and attorney filed the Motion to Modify. Court orders CFI; CFI recommends psychological testing, thus Court Orders. Per the examiner's findings, I learn the mother is currently 'in tr...
07/31/2010 | Category: Criminal » Appeals | State: Colorado | #22804