Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Become Guardian for My Mother in Virgina?
My 78 mother is blind and deaf since birth. She now resides in Richmond Va and may need to go into assistive living in the near future. What are the procedures/steps I need to follow in order to obain legal guardianship. She owns no property and I'm her only child. I'm currently a Captain in the US Navy stationed in the Washington DC area.
07/26/2010 | Category: Guardianship | State: Virginia | #22743Can I Modify Back Child Support Payments if I Lost My Job?
My Daughter is 27 years old. I am still paying back child support to her Mother but just lost my job. What can I do I have no income what so ever? My daughter is engaged to a Hispanic man and lives part time in Texas and the other in Mexico. Please help.
07/25/2010 | Category: Divorce » Modification | State: Texas | #22741Do I Need to File A Quit Claim Deed Before a Warranty Deed?
i have been paying the taxes on my family land. my grand mother was the owner_deceased_ all my family has agreed to sign any paper work question is a want a warranty deed will we have to do a quit claim deed first?what is the order i need to take to get a warranty deed?and the cost for the form?
07/25/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: Texas | #22740What Are My Ex-Spouse's Obligations for Alimony if He Retires?
I am receiving alimony. We were married 25 years. He is planning on retiring when he is 55, next year. He is going to work on the side. What is his obligation to me?
07/25/2010 | Category: Divorce » Alimony | State: Florida | #22739How Do I Relinguish Parental Rights in Texas?
my son is incarcerated at the moment (violation of protective order and stalking via telephone) he is due to be released soon we've been told but the protective orders deny him contact with his children until 2013. The children are 4 and 5 yrs old now. he has not seen or spoken with them for over a year now. in the best interest of the situation, both for him and the children, ...
07/24/2010 | Category: Paternity » Termination ... | State: Oklahoma | #22738What From Do I Need to Sell a Manufactured Home?
I am planning to try to sell my house without a realtor. It is a manufactured house on leased land in an over 55 active adult community with many elegant amenities. What kind of form(s) do I need to finalize this kind of sale? I don't think a typical real estate contract would be relevant.
07/24/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: South Carolina | #22736How Does a Person Renounce Inherited Property in Georgia?
In the state of Gerogia, my father died in 1981 without a will. My brother was appointed administrator of estate. My mother received half and remaining was divided among the 5 children. All the children signed their portion over to our mother, but was never changed to her name, it remained as my fathers estate . Now, she has passed with a will for all her property to be sp...
07/24/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Disclaimer o... | State: Georgia | #22735How Do I Clear an Old Warrant in California?
I recently found out i have a warrant in ca from '93. i live in AZ now and have been in no trouble, and a legal drivers license. i don't have much money but would like to have this issue resolved. what can i do? DUI was my offense.
07/23/2010 | Category: Criminal » Warrants | State: Arizona | #22733Can I Change My Name Without Changing My Social Security Card?
Can I change my name to my married name on my license, passport, with creditors and such if I do not change my social security card? I want to use my maiden name for work and the only way I can do that per my job is if my social security card does not change. I want to be known for all other nonwork purposes by my husbands name. The marriage license has my maiden name and husb...
07/23/2010 | Category: Name Change | State: New York | #22732What is the Best Method for Transferrring Property to Our Son?
My husband and I own a home with our son, who lives in Arizona. He has a wife who's name is not on the title. We titled it Tenants in Common with Rights of Survivorship. Is this the best way to have done that? My husband and I will become Florida residents soon, our son will remain an Arizona resident. My son has a business in AZ.
07/23/2010 | Category: Real Property » Joint Tenants | State: Florida | #22730