Legal Questions and Answers
How Do I Remove an Executor of an Estate in Texas?
My brother is the executor of our Mother's estate and my sister and I don't trust him and would prefer to hire a third party to divide the estate. Can we do this and how? My brother is an attorney in Kansas and the assets of the estate are primarily in Kansas although Mom's residence at time of death was Peoria, Az.
07/31/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Executors an... | State: Texas | #22803How Do I Transfer Title to a Spouse When the Car Owner Dies in Missouri?
Car is titled to wife who has died and there is a lien holder on title. I cannot get car registered in state, still making payments direct since purchase and I don't know how to get car registered in my name.
07/31/2010 | Category: Automobiles | State: Missouri | #22801Can I Evict a Tenant for Not Turning on the Electricity and Having Roaches?
In PA can I evict a tenant for their electricity being shut off since April? I did give him a verbal warning to have the utility turned on by the first of August on the 12th of July. I need to know what kind of notice to give and how quickly i can seize property. Would this be failure to maintain or keep in order? Do I have the right to seize the property immediately? The tenan...
07/30/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Lease Violat... | State: Pennsylvania | #22796What Can I Do About a Neighbor's Tree Roots Causing Damage to My Property?
Huge trees' roots have ruined my drive. Chain link fence is pushed in 2 places 6'over survey line.Do I own trees? Neighbor refuses to let me cut trees down so that I can repair my sewer line and driveway.I am in HPOZ area.
07/30/2010 | Category: Trees | State: California | #22795Is a Power of Attorney Valid if the Agent Lives out of State?
My mother made a power of attorney in IL, with my brother being the agent living in KS. Is that still valid in WA?
07/30/2010 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: Washington | #22794Can a landlord bill a former tenant for damages after accepting early termination of lease?
If a tenant has honored the obligations of an 'Early Lease Termination' and was 'cleared' by the landlord of any damages, including normal 'wear and tear' after seven (7) years, can the landlord, all of a sudden, create a list of supposedly damages and charges, 2 weeks after the fact, and bill the tenant and threaten to send the tenant to collections?
07/30/2010 | Category: Landlord Ten... » Security Dep... | State: Georgia | #22791May we claim a religious exemption from immunizations for school in Virginia?
As a resident of Pennsylvania I have taken a religious exemption for immunizations for my son which had been accepted for PA school attendance. May he continue this exemption to attend college in the state of Virginia?
07/29/2010 | Category: Education | State: Pennsylvania | #22788Can a former judge represent a party he adjudicated in a divorce?
Is it legal for a judge in a diviorce case to latter represent one of the parties in on going legal action as an attorney?
07/29/2010 | Category: Courts » Attorneys | State: Colorado | #22787What Can I Do About a Fence Encroaching On and Blocking Access to My Property?
My neighbor encroached on my property in two places creating a situation were we do not have access to that part of our land. They were informed prior to putting up the fence that our property exceeds a stockade fence that we have and they were informed by our lawyer, two weeks ago. They have done nothing: contacted us, the lawyer or taken it down. What is the sequence of ev...
07/29/2010 | Category: Real Property » Encroachment | State: Connecticut | #22786How do I transfer home of sister after her death in Arkansas?
My sister passed away. Her will includes me, a dear friend and a sister-in-law (now deceased). I am the executor of the will. I want to sell the house. Real Estate Agent says I need a 'Heirs Deed'. I have the regular deed. Is 'Heirs Deed' another name for 'Affidavit of Heirship'?
07/29/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Arkansas | #22785