Legal Questions and Answers
Can I Pay Insependent Contractors for Bringing in New Clients for a Web Hosting Business?
I own a website hosting company and like all the other website hosting companies I want to host more websites to grow my company bigger. To get more websites/clients to my company faster I want to offer an incentive to my existing and future clients to bring me websites for hosting. I want to know if it is legal for me to offer my existing clients and future clients a monthly r...
03/10/2010 | Category: Employment » Independent ... | State: Ohio | #21326Can We Have A Marriage Ceremony in Pennsylvania and Not be Legally Married?
Can we have a wedding ceremony in Pennsylvania without becoming legally married? We have decided to sign a co-habitation agreement instead for the marriage laws don't benefit us. But we consider ourselves husband/wife and we want to celebrate our commitment by having a 'wedding.' Although we live in NJ, our 'wedding' will be in PA. Our ceremony will be non-religious. We ...
03/10/2010 | Category: Marriage | State: Pennsylvania | #21318How Do I Create a Power of Attorney for a Person Who Will Be Deported?
Husband/father is in jail and will be deported and he wants to give a general power of attorney to his wife and daughter(19) so that the house (in his name)can be sold and taxes can be filed, etc.. The state is NC, Wake county and the power of attorney form should be in Spanish/English. How can this be accomplished?
03/10/2010 | Category: Power of Attorney | State: North Carolina | #21317Will a Petition for Name Change of a Minor Bring up Past Due Child Support Issues in Alaska?
I recently found out via a dna test that i am the father of a 19 year old girl. She initiated the request stating she only wanted to know who her dad is, we are getting along great, she never asked for money nor did her mother. She would like to get her last name changed to the same as mine. If i do this, is it possible that the state of alaska will ask me for 18 years of ch...
03/10/2010 | Category: Paternity » Child Support | State: Alaska | #21316What is the Difference Between Revocable and Irrevocable Living Trusts?
Define 'Revocable Trust' and 'Irrevocable Trust'; what are the advantages and disadvantages of each The question is applicable to the Delaware address. My mailing address is 2514 Little Kate Road, Park City, Utah 84060
03/09/2010 | Category: Trusts | State: Delaware | #21313Can a City Limit the Number of Political Signs I Post?
I picket local gas stations, by myself, setting up 20-25 signs, stretching over 200+ yards, in various directions, exposing the difference in prices around town. The stations I picket have historically overcharged by $.40 or more for decades. I direct people to the new gas station with the low price. I'm a citizen activist, unpaid. My town recently passed an ordinance speci...
03/08/2010 | Category: Civil Rights » Free Speech | State: New Mexico | #21303Does the Suspension of Business Operations Deny Use of a Grandfather Clause in a Zoning Ordinance?
If a business was grandfathered into a neighborhood zone and the business closed for a two year period, can the same business be re-opened in the neighborhood zone again?
03/08/2010 | Category: Zoning | State: Mississippi | #21296How Do I Force an Executor to Probate a Will in New York?
My mother died in NYC almost 1 year ago, and my sister who also lives in NY has taken over all her property. She had the shares in my mother's coop transferred to her before my mother died to 'protect' her estate. We have been led to believer that as long as my mother remained in the property, and her will indicated how her property was to be divided that it is still our inhe...
03/08/2010 | Category: Wills and Es... » Probate | State: Massachusetts | #21295Can Ii Prevent Water From Neighbor's Land Coming Onto My Property?
My neighbor behind me built an in ground pool that doesn't have a cover. During the fall and winter it accumulates the rain and snow. The additional water is eventually released from the pool by way of the pump. The water then travels from the back of the lot to the front on my neighbors land that is next door to me. As it reaches the front it eventually pours onto the sidewalk...
03/08/2010 | Category: Real Property » Neighbor Rel... | State: North Carolina | #21287Can i Get My Deposit Back from the Developer if the Contract Says it's Non-Refundable?
Can I get my lot deposit back if the developer's agreement says non-refundable?
03/08/2010 | Category: Contracts » Recission | State: Pennsylvania | #21286