Legal Questions and Answers
Can a Finder's Fee Be Paid to a Person Who is Not A Real Estate Agent?
A person has asked me to keep an eye out for a (high end) residential property on Nantucket. In early stages (my viewing of a property) he wishes to remain anonymous. Can I collect a finder's fee from the listing RE agent in the event of a sale? (form to be filled out before my viewing)
03/11/2010 | Category: Contracts » Finder's Fee | State: Massachusetts | #21352How Do I Get a Lien of a Product My Company Built?
My company built a product and would like to place a lien on it. I don't know if I need a mechanics lien or not.
03/11/2010 | Category: Civil Actions » Liens | State: Tennessee | #21345Can I Sell a House That I Have a Life Estate Interest In?
we have a life estate deed on my mothers house for about a year. if we have to put her in a nursing home can we sell the house to pay the nursing home
03/11/2010 | Category: Real Property » Deeds | State: South Carolina | #21340Should I Consult an Attorney Before Signing a Prenuptial Agreement?
My fiance plans on presenting me with a prenup agreement and wants me to disclose all of my accounts and possesions. Should i consult with an attorney before filling out any forms?
03/10/2010 | Category: Marriage » Premarital A... | State: California | #21338How Do I List Trust Assets in a Prenuptial Agreement?
I purchased the CA Prenup Package and I have a question about my Financial Disclosure. All of my assets are held within a trust. Shuold I list My assets as Trustee or list them as the living trust?
03/10/2010 | Category: Trusts | State: California | #21337How Does a Builder Filing Bankruptcy Affect the Homeowners?
I'm in North Carolina. I live in a planned community and the bank has started foreclosure proceedings against our developer. It is our understanding the developer has started bankruptcy proceedings in response. Since our developer is still in control of our HOA...what does this mean to us as a community?
03/10/2010 | Category: Real Property » Homeowner's ... | State: North Carolina | #21336How Do I Create a Consulting Agreement?
I need a general consulting form for use. I consult in the insurance brokerage industry on a variety of management metrics, strategic direction, growth an mergers.
03/10/2010 | Category: Contracts » Consulting C... | State: California | #21332Is a Lender Required to Give a Loan Extension Before Filing a Lawsuit?
We have been served by a bank for an outstanding debt, and after initail suit and response, they,(bank) plaintiff has filed a motion for summary judgement. in that the bank rep. told us our properties were more than sufficient for collateral to extend this loan, we were later surprised by this suit. bank has filed an affidavit of this bank rep saying in 2 of his points that 1. ...
03/10/2010 | Category: Civil Actions » Summons | State: Utah | #21331Can a Married Woman Name Another Man as the Father on a Birth Certificate?
My husband had an affair with a married woman, she is now pregnant and is certain it is my husbands baby. She has admitted to also sleeping with her husband but is now sepatated from her husband. She is threatening to put his name on the birth certificate and telling him he will pay for this baby. Can she legally do this without establishing paternity first and how is this done...
03/10/2010 | Category: Paternity » Birth Certif... | State: Michigan | #21329How Do I Resolve a Seniority Violation in a Union Contract?
UPS in NJ. has a pass practice of seniority violations issues.First .changing senority dates.Second.Only state to have two uoion seniority lists. Also, these violations are a breech of contact with the Teamster Union hand book.
03/10/2010 | Category: Unions | State: New Jersey | #21327